



I went out for a walk after dinner since it has become a good season. There is a fair crowd of people like me for walking and jogging at Sumiyoshi River in the neighborhood.  I had been feeling some stress over the past few weeks, but I felt a little easier as I heard the river running and breathed some fresh air.

Picture: A scenery in Furano, Hokkaido. I have not yet found a landscape like this in Kobe.


日本の食材20 梨


Japanese Food 19 –Pears 
I was given a couple of huge pears. They weighed over 500g (1.1lb) apiece. Pears and apples are common in the western countries as well, but I have the impression that Japanese breeds are larger and sweeter for both fruits. They are not so nutritious, unfortunately, while they are so tasty.





First Time in Hokkaido -2

I saw Biei in a guidebook and really wanted to go there. My friend made my dream come true with her yellow car. We visited different cafes, made stops to take pictures of nice views, helped girls who happened to have their rental car run off the road right in front of us… and we kept talking throughout our drive.

I enjoyed every dish in Hokkaido. I kept crossing off my list of things to eat which I had made before the trip and it included Sushi, mutton barbecue (called Genghis Khan), Sapporo ramen (noodles) and so on. There were plenty of souvenirs to take home, such as baked items from Rokkatei confectionery, so naturally my luggage became heavier than when I had left home.

My little vacation in the northern land was over before I knew and I am grateful that I came home safely avoiding a big typhoon. More than anything, however, “Thank you, Keiko-san!”






First Time in Hokkaido -1  

Since Eric was away for another conference over a week, I decided to use this long weekend to travel by myself. Saying that, I was not quite alone, other than the transportation part, as my girlfriend at the destination was with me throughout the stay. 

My first sight of the northern land was a big patchwork of fields with different shades of green, gold and brown. Their harvest season comes earlier than in the mainland of Japan. With the full support of my friend, I thoroughly enjoyed both their vast nature and rich food culture. (…to be continued.) 

Picture (left): At Hokkaido University
Picture (right): A stature of Dr. Clark who said “Boys, be ambitious.”



オリンピックが56年ぶりに東京にやってくることになりました! ブエノスアイレスで行われたプレゼンテーションは日本時間の深夜でしたが、私はライブ中継を見守りました。日本人招致メンバーのスピーチはすべて素晴らしかったのですが、中でも高円宮妃久子さまのエレガントな英仏語やパラリンピアン佐藤真海さんの体験談が感動的でした。 

Tokyo 2020
The Olympic Games are coming to Tokyo again after 56 years! I watched the live broadcasting of the Bid presentations in Buenos Aires although it was midnight in Japan. All speeches by the Japanese members were impressive, but Princess Hisako was so elegant in her fluent English and French and the story of Mami Sato, a Paralympian, was especially heart-touching.




Relocation of books
When I went to the library the other day, I was informed that everybody could borrow books longer than usual because of their relocation schedule. I became greedy and borrowed 6 books for a month this time whereas I usually borrow a few books in 2 weeks, but I have to take these books to the new location. The weather became cooler this month and I will enjoy the books to start the reading season of fall.