


The 24th Floor of the City Hall 
The venue of yesterday's TOEIC was the building on the opposite side of the street from Kobe City Hall. I went to the 24th floor of the city hall when the exam was over a little after 3pm. This place is open free to the public and people can see views of both the mountain side and the sea side. I spent a short time here for myself and then went home.




TOEIC- Test of English for International Communication 
I decided to take the TOEIC for the first time in 10 years. I have been slow in working on a drill book which I purchased a few weeks ago. I hope my experiences could cover the lack of my brain’s flexibility due to aging… It feels that I have more difficulty with concentration than with memory retention.




Maintenance of Well-being 
I received the result of my annual health check-up which I took last month. What was unexpected was the recovery of my vision and what made me happy was the reduction of neutral fat in my blood. I believe this is the outcome of my 1-hour walking 3 times a week for the past 12 months. It is encouraging to see what I have achieved in my daily effort shown in solid number like this.



今年もノーベル賞のニュースをワクワクしながら聞きました。この間撮ったスカイツリーの写真を見て、三人の日本人の物理学賞受賞を改めて嬉しく思いました。また、17 歳のマララさんが平和賞を受賞されたことも、素晴らしいと思います。ちょうど彼女の自伝をオーディオブックで聴いていたところでした。 

Nobel Prizes
I was excited to hear the news of the Nobel Prizes again this year. I felt happy for the three Japanese gentlemen who won the Physics Prize, as happy as seeing a picture of Tokyo Sky Tree which I took the other week. It is also wonderful that the 17 year-old Malala was awarded the Peace Prize. I happen to have been listening to an audio book of her autobiography.



We purchased a car. We chose Mazda’s Demio after some research and advice from my brother. My father, who worked for the Toyota group for many years, seems a bit disappointed because it is not a Toyota car although we picked one to fit our current lifestyle and taste. We are not familiar with the streets of Kobe yet and a little drive to a store is an adventure for us.