



My friends' daughter is coming to visit us from Nagoya. They could not go camping because of a typhoon during the obon period. When I heard of their ruined plan for this eighth grader, I suggested that she come to Kobe on her own. Childhood never comes again. I cannot be any happier than assisting the girl to make some good memories of the summer.

Picture: A view of Kobe port from our neighborhood.

娘 = musume: daughter (s)
台風 = taifu: typhoon (s)
中学生 = chugakusei: junior high school student (s)
嬉しい = ureshii: happy



晴れ時々曇り 最低気温27℃ 最高気温34℃

High School League
They closed the summer season of the national high school league at Koshien stadium in Nishinomiya city. Playing without such thoughts of getting rewarded or anything under the burning sun, the young players looked pure despite the mud on their uniforms. I remember coming to Koshien with my family when I was a kid, all the way from Aichi prefecture. Living a lot closer to the stadium now, I do not have the courage to watch games in this summer heat...
*Today’s weather
Sunny with some clouds, Hi93F Lo81F

野球 = yakyu: baseball
ユニフォーム = yunifo-mu: uniform
わざわざ = wazawaza: all the way
勇気 = yuuki: courage


韓国旅行2 学ぶ




Trip to Korea 2 –Learning

We took bus tours to visit historic places like Gyeongbokgung, Suwon and Jongmyo. I felt fragments of unspoken anger towards the Japanese through the native guides, for the unforgivable events of Hideyoshi’s Korean invasion and Japan’s annexation of the Korean Peninsula which lasted 36 years from 1910. Hangul writing, which Sejong the Great invented, is constructed around the symbols which indicate the shapes of the mouth in each pronunciation. I learnt a bit of their ethnic distinction and intelligence through this trip.

When we came home and turned the TV on, NHK was just showing a program of Japanese-Korean discussion. According to a survey, 62% of the Japanese like Korea, but on the contrary, 70% of the Koreans dislike Japan. I would like to visit the country again after learning more about the history and their culture, which may be more different than what might first be surmised.

Picture: Hibiscus syriacus (rose of Sharon) at Suwon. This beautiful yet vigorous flower, which blooms even after being mistreated repeatedly, is the national flower of Korea.


韓国旅行1 遊ぶ



100円 = 1300ウォン = 1.16ドル

Trip to Korea 1 -Having fun

It felt like meeting a distant cousin… It was my first time to visit Korea, yet it felt like I was there for the second time.

I had my pedicure and eye-lash extension done right after arriving in Korea. A young woman with beautiful skin did a great job for me. In my opinion, delicate works like these are Asian people’s specialty. The service by attentive servers at BBQ restaurants - we had Korean BBQ twice during our stay - was also impressive. Additionally, the streets in Seoul were a lot cleaner than in China or the USA.

*Exchange rate
1doller = 86 yen = 1121 won
Pedicure and eye-lash extension: 100,000won as a set (after negotiation)
BBQ dinner with beer for two persons: 60,000won




My summers
Here are three phrases to describe summer at different stages in my life.
In my childhood: “cicada” ”swimming pool” “ice cream”
Before being married: “sunscreen” “bikini” “fireworks”
Now: “air conditioner” “nap” “edamame”
At long last, Eric and I are leaving for Korea from the 11th.

三つ = mittsu: three, three pieces
子供 = kodomo: child/ children
枝豆 = edamame: green soy beans
いよいよ = iyoiyo: at long last, finally




We came home safely. After making a prayer at my grandparents’ altar, seeing my parents and being surprised with the two nephews at my brother’s, who grew up so much in a few years, I felt “I am living a life which was given to me.” I would like to live everyday with appreciation for this life of mine.

Picture: There are a lot of tunnels on the highways between Kobe and Hekinan.

仏壇 = butsudan: Buddhist altar
手 = te: hand (s)
甥 = oi: nephew (s)
トンネル = tonneru: tunnel (s)