晴れ時々曇り 最低気温27℃ 最高気温34℃
High School League
They closed the summer season of the national high school league at Koshien stadium in Nishinomiya city. Playing without such thoughts of getting rewarded or anything under the burning sun, the young players looked pure despite the mud on their uniforms. I remember coming to Koshien with my family when I was a kid, all the way from Aichi prefecture. Living a lot closer to the stadium now, I do not have the courage to watch games in this summer heat...
*Today’s weather
Sunny with some clouds, Hi93F Lo81F
野球 = yakyu: baseball
ユニフォーム = yunifo-mu: uniform
わざわざ = wazawaza: all the way
勇気 = yuuki: courage