When I had some discomfort in my lower right chest and went to see a primary doctor several months ago, I was told “it might be some liver problem.” I rushed to a larger clinic to have blood work and computer tomography, but nothing was found. I tried osteopathy treatment, which I learned about through work, and the dull pain of the two weeks was just gone. According to the osteopath, my old scar from an appendix removal was pulling at my inner organs. I have been taking his treatment once a month since then. Along with the reformation of my eating habits, I am now trying to be more conscious of the balance for my well-being.
Eric and I were eating out more often than usual in the past few weeks and it was giving me some bad feelings, although I did enjoy the food. I went off-balance and got sick, as predicted.
Picture: My old walking path in Buffalo. Taken in November, 2009.