At the end of the year
Eric and I came to my parents’ home the day before yesterday and I am writing this in Hekinan. When I was getting ready for work on the morning of the 28th, my mother called to inform me that her oldest sister had passed away. She was 85 and the second oldest of eight siblings while my mother is the youngest and they were 18 years apart. Just the way she always was in life, her death was gracious, too.
We caught an early bus and arrived in time for her wake and funeral. Eric, dressed in a black suit, offered incense in the Japanese manner and it impressed my relatives. I am grateful that the aunt gave him an opportunity to meet my cousins who live distantly.
So, today is the last day of 2010. I wonder what the New Year will be like. I do not hope for anything especially good, but I do hope for a peaceful year without many natural disasters or fighting.
日本の食材4 蓮根

Japanese food 4 – Lotus root
I have seen the harvesting of lotus root on TV. I felt sorry and grateful for a person who was soaking in a muddy swamp up to his waist in a cold weather to pick up each piece without breaking it. Because of its shape with holes, this vegetable is considered to be a good-luck food of “looking the future.” We may have some at our New Year’s dinner.
蓮根(レンコン) = renkon: lotus root
寒い = samui: cold
気持ち = kimochi: feeling
お正月 = oshogatsu: New Year’s day and the season around it

Lights for the souls
There is an event called “Kobe Luminarie” in Sannomiya for about two weeks in December every year. This has been happening since 1995, to commemorate the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and to pray for the souls of the victims. Eric and I went down and strolled around the lit-up streets among a big crowd of people.
約 = yaku: about
祈る = inoru: to pray
目的 = mokuteki: purpose(s)
中 = naka: among, in the middle

People in Buffalo
After business, I was excused to stop in Buffalo. Homecoming after 10 months! I saw family and friends within my limited time. I enjoyed Mom’s cooking and Sara’s company during shopping very much, but seeing the people whom I had missed meant the most to me.
Picture: Is this what Aunt Jane was talking about at dinner?
後 = ato: after
10ヶ月 = ju-kagetsu: 10-month period
一番 = ichiban: best, most
嬉しい = ureshii: to be happy

People in Kirksville
I went to a small town called Kirkville in Missouri on business. I am greatly appreciative of the four students and the president of the university, the museum director and every staff member for their kindness and hospitality. I am not sure if I will have another chance to be there, but I do not want to ride in an 8-seater Cessna again. Once was enough for me.
州 = shu: state(s)
大学生 = daigakusei: university/college student(s)
博物館 = hakubutsukan: museum(s)
おもてなし = omotenashi: hospitality
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