At the end of the year
Eric and I came to my parents’ home the day before yesterday and I am writing this in Hekinan. When I was getting ready for work on the morning of the 28th, my mother called to inform me that her oldest sister had passed away. She was 85 and the second oldest of eight siblings while my mother is the youngest and they were 18 years apart. Just the way she always was in life, her death was gracious, too.
We caught an early bus and arrived in time for her wake and funeral. Eric, dressed in a black suit, offered incense in the Japanese manner and it impressed my relatives. I am grateful that the aunt gave him an opportunity to meet my cousins who live distantly.
So, today is the last day of 2010. I wonder what the New Year will be like. I do not hope for anything especially good, but I do hope for a peaceful year without many natural disasters or fighting.