



The Royal Wedding
White dress, tall prince, carriage parade… People all over the world must have watched this fairy-tale wedding of William and Kate. It was a rather modest wedding for the royal couple with consideration of the financial difficulty of the country, which made the modern couple even more amiable. I remembered my own wedding and felt a little sentimental when they were exchanging vows.

Picture: Big Ben must have been watching them, too.




1) 鳥居をくぐり、中央を避けて歩くこと。
2) 手水舎で手と口を清めること。
3) 神前にお賽銭を納めた後、二礼一拍手一礼をする。

Ikuta Shrine
I went to downtown Sannomiya, where Eric takes Korean class every Sunday. I visited Ikuta Shrine for the first time after living in Kobe over a year. You will see the brightly-colored gate just behind busy streets, close enough from Hankyu Sannomiya station. It feels refreshing to greet spirits at their shrines.

Basic manners at shrines
1) Go through the gate. Do not walk in the center.
2) Wash your hands and mouth with prepared water.
3) After offering money up front, take two bows, two claps and another bow.





A British doctor is coming to Japan with his wife to give a seminar during Golden Week for the organization where I work. The plan was once about to be cancelled because of his concern for the Fukushima nuclear plant, but we communicated by email and on the phone repeatedly and retained our schedule. Eric and I are going to show them Kyoto on his day off. They are coming here in this difficult time and we would like to show the best of our hospitality.

Picture: I made some Japanese paper boxes as their gifts.

福島 = Fukushima
キャンセル = kyanseru: cancellation
電話 = denwa: telephone
京都 = Kyoto




I thought about why Japanese people like cherry blossoms. These pale pink blossoms are so fragile and if you do not pay enough attention, they can be blown away with one spring shower before long. Because you know they do not live forever, you appreciate more of their short lives.

どうして = doushite: why?
桜 = sakura: cherry blossoms
ピンク = pinku: pink
うっかり = ukkari: being careless


日本の食材6 切り干し大根


Japanese food 6 –Kiriboshidaikon
When we visited my parents the other week, my mother gave us home-made Kiriboshidaikon. She grew Daikon radishes, shredded them and then dried them in a cold winter wind. It sounds like a miracle that this sun-drying method enhances its original nutrition of calcium, iron and so on by many times. This is a regular ingredient of my home cooking, too.

畑 = hatake: vegetable garden
風 = kaze: wind
カルシウム = karushiumu: calcium
など = nado: and so on, etc.





Unwanted favor
Cherry blossoms are in bloom, but we did not feel like going to O-hanami and went to join a volunteer activity yesterday. What we did was sorting donated items for the disaster sufferers piled at a soccer stadium in Kobe. We found dirty or damaged clothes, Christmas decorations and so on among the items and the expression of “unwanted favor” came across my mind so often. It reminded me of thinking from another person’s standpoint.

Picture: Last year’s cherry blossoms at night.

お花見 = O-hanami: A traditional picnic during the day or at night to admire these short-living cherry blossoms.