1) 鳥居をくぐり、中央を避けて歩くこと。
2) 手水舎で手と口を清めること。
3) 神前にお賽銭を納めた後、二礼一拍手一礼をする。
Ikuta Shrine
I went to downtown Sannomiya, where Eric takes Korean class every Sunday. I visited Ikuta Shrine for the first time after living in Kobe over a year. You will see the brightly-colored gate just behind busy streets, close enough from Hankyu Sannomiya station. It feels refreshing to greet spirits at their shrines.
Basic manners at shrines
1) Go through the gate. Do not walk in the center.
2) Wash your hands and mouth with prepared water.
3) After offering money up front, take two bows, two claps and another bow.