写真:大阪心斎橋にあるグリコの看板。(2010 年3月撮影)
My elder brother
My brother, who works for the Toyota group, was assigned a new position and he will be moving to Osaka next month. Because of the educational concern for his boys, his family will stay in Nagoya. He and I had a good relationship as siblings, but we have not talked much since we each got married. To be honest, I am happy with his moving closer to us, which may give us some chance to spend time with each other again.
Picture: The Glico sign at Shinsaibashi, Osaka. (Taken in March, 2010)
兄(あに)= ani: elder brother(s)
名古屋(なごや)= Nagoya
それぞれ = sorezore: each
また = mata: again