外国から日本に来る場合、Japan Rail Passという周遊券があります。これを上手に使えば、JRの在来線・新幹線・バス・フェリーをお得に利用することができます。ただし、日本に来る前に自国で購入しなければならず、使用に際して制約条件があるようです。
Travel itinerary
A French doctor, who is invited by my organization, will be coming to Japan a bit early to travel around. He gave such requests as riding on a Shinkansen, going to Kyushu, eating traditional Japanese food and so on; I planned sightseeing and made reservations for him. I hope he will enjoy this trip with my travel itinerary.
*Useful information
When you travel to Japan from other countries, a Japan Rail Pass may be handy for you. You can use JR regular trains, Shinkansen, JR buses and JR ferries with this pass reasonably. However, you have to purchase the pass before you leave your own country and there are some restrictions which apply.