今回の出張で約3 年ぶりに訪れたミズーリ州カークスビルの町は、相変わらず人々が素朴で温かく、1週間も滞在すればちょっとした住人気分も味わえます。ミーティングに次ぐミーティングで仕事は大変だったけれど、お世話になったB&Bは朝食が美味しくて、毎日励みになりました。いまいち使いこなせなかった新しいスマホは、カメラとして役立ちました。
Kirksville, Again
I visited Kirksville, Missouri, again for business after almost 3 years and people were as kind and honest as before. The town makes you feel at home if you stay for just a week. My work schedule was tight with one meeting after another, but their breakfast at the B&B was tasty and encouraging every morning. Although I could not make good use of my new smart phone, it worked well as a camera.