

近所でビッグイシューを売っていたホームレスの男性が、いつものところに現れなくなりました。初めは風邪でもひかれたかなと思っていたのですが、もう数週間も姿がないので、何か良い仕事が決まったのかもしれません。せめてお名前だけでも聞いておくべきだったと後悔しています。今度はどこでビッグイシューを買えばよいのでしょうか? 何はともあれ、お元気で活躍されていますように。 

Good Luck 
I used to buy Big Issue from a homeless man in the neighbourhood, but he has not shown up at his regular spot. At first, I thought that maybe he caught a cold or something. Then, a few weeks have passed and I am assuming that he found some good job. I regret that I did not even ask his name. Where will I buy the magazine now? Anyways, I hope he is well and thriving.




I went to a free movie show hosted by the Kansai branch of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) today. “Stanley Ka Dabba” was very interesting with lively Indian children. I wanted a brochure of youth volunteer program on this occasion, but they gave me a brochure of senior volunteer program instead since I am over 40. No matter how young I feel myself, I am no longer categorized as youth…




Angel’s Share 
I renewed my membership of Kobe Cinema Circle for this business year to continue enjoying movies. The movie of this month, which I saw yesterday, was “Angel’s Share.” I liked the story of the main character’s success of capitalizing on a chance of his life, which was originally filled with many mistakes. Also, I became interested in whiskies and Scottish culture, which were not familiar to me before the movie. There are more to learn from movies which I may not choose myself.



毎日のように、甘いお菓子やデザートを食べたいと感じてしまいます。これはタバコやアルコールをやめられないのと同じで、依存症でしょうか? 以前よりオステオパシーの先生から砂糖の摂取を控えるように言われていたこともあり、少し気を付けてみようと思います。やめることは無理でも、減らすことならできるかな…。 

I feel like having some candies or dessert almost every day. Is this addiction just like some people cannot quit tobacco or alcohol? I have decided to be a little more conscious about my sugar intake according to my osteopath’s advice of reducing it. It sounds impossible to quit sweets, but maybe I could reduce them…





Morning TV Drama 

The new series of NHK’s morning drama, which started this month, is about the woman who translated “Anne of Green Gables.” I love the book and went to Prince Edward Island where the story was set. It is not difficult to look up words or to collect information about foreign countries in the present days, but  I wonder how much patience and imagination were necessary to translate a book 100 years ago. I am enjoying these 15 minutes of every morning. 

Picture: Prince Edward Island from an airplane. (Taken in 2008)




My tulips, which I planted as bulbs last November, have bloomed. They are so lovable and I talk to them every morning; they survived a cold winter and have been growing day by day. I thought yellow was cute, but the floral language of yellow tulips is “lost love.” I am not quite sure about it.