


イスラム圏の国々では、女性の人権が未だ十分に確立されていません。女性は髪や肌や声の露出を制限されているだけでなく、教育や就労を含む日常生活に多くの制約を受けています。読み書きできない女性も少なくありません。結婚に関しては、そもそも自由に伴侶を選ぶことができない上に、一夫多妻制ときています。女性たちは、どれほどの我慢を強いられて生きているのでしょうか? それとも、自由を知らない彼女たちは、そのような生活を当たり前のこととして受け入れているのでしょうか? 


Women’s Human Rights  

Although typhoon No.11 was here this weekend, I went to a movie during a rain-free period so that I did not have to waste a pre-purchased ticket for the movie club. The film of the month was “Wajida,” a story set in Saudi Arabia. 

Women’s human rights are not yet well-established in Islamic countries. Women are not only restricted from exposing their hair, skin and voice, but also constricted in their daily life including education and employment. Illiteracy is not uncommon among women. As for marriage, they have no right to choose their spouses to start with, and polygamy stands in front of them. How much patience should they bear? Or, do they accept such a life style as a part of their fate because they do not know freedom? 

At the end of the movie, Wajida, the heroine girl of the story, managed to obtain a bicycle- something which was granted for boys only. There is not much I could do for the situation, but I wish the best for the future of Islamic women while I appreciate my freedom to enjoy a bicycle in Japan.