





Okinawa and the American bases

I have lived in the States and I understand many positive aspects of American people as regular citizens. Also, as a country, Japan often relies on our “big bro” America in the global community since we do not have big armaments or a strong voice. For such reasons, I personally thought it was inevitable for my country to have American bases in the middle of Okinawa and to accept Ospreys with a high accident rate, though also feeling sorry for the residents of Okinawa.

There was a rape case of a Japanese woman by American soldiers in Okinawa a few days ago. The mutual feeling of many Japanese people for the incident was “again?” unfortunately. Through articles of newspapers and through broadcasts, it is not difficult to imagine that people in Okinawa have always had some inner anger. It almost looks like half of their islands are still occupied by Americans. Their anger must be directed toward all of these: the existence of the US bases themselves, the higher crime rate by American soldiers, the Japanese government which cannot do much about the current situation and Japanese people residing outside of the prefecture who lack recognition of the problems in Okinawa.

After the rape case this time, all American soldiers serving in Japan are now prohibited from going out during night hours. Although I feel sorry that their freedom is limited, it seems necessary when I think of feelings of the Okinawans as well as the future Japan-US relationship. However, this is just a temporary measure and we need a solution for the underlaying problems. I myself will keep an eye on Okinawa with closer attention.