


By the Way 
I call my mother regularly. When I was talking about my friends’ visits of this month, she told me news starting with “by the way.” She said that my father was hospitalized because of a stroke. Fortunately, it was not very severe and they did not need me to rush and visit them. I felt a bit sad although I understood that her intention was not to worry me. “You need to tell me immediately when such a matter happens.” 






Special Breakfast

One of my girlfriends from my elementary and junior-high school days took a day off and came to see me in Kobe. Our little reunion started with breakfast, proceeded through the Ijinkan-gai district and Motomachi Shopping Arcade and finished with a piece of cake shared between the two of us.

I felt a bit relieved to know that I was not the only one who was feeling frustration or turmoil in our daily living from our conversation over families and jobs. It is really nice to have good friends although I did not expect us to talk like this when we were children.

*Picture: breakfast at Kobe Kitano Hotel which is rated as “the world’s best.” We could tell how carefully the meal was prepared from the colorful glasses of vegetable-fruit juice and different kinds of rolls and breads. It costs 5,670 yen per person when not staying at the hotel.




I have not been confident in myself these days. According to the Rokusei Senjutsu astrology, the next 3 years, including this one, are supposed to be difficult in everything that I do. There may not be enough scientific evidence in fortune-telling, but I need something to rely on when feeling unstable.



神姫バス主催「神戸夜景ツアー」:三宮から2時間弱のバスツアーがなんと500円! 山側と海側の両方から夜景を楽しむことができます。土曜限定ですが、気軽さと効率の良さはおすすめです。

Night View of 10 Million Dollars 

A girlfriend visited us in Kobe from Nagoya on the weekend. Eric and I used this opportunity to see some night views with her since she was staying overnight this time. Other than night views, we enjoyed dining and shopping together. 

*Tourist Information 
“Kobe Night View Tour” operated by Shinki Bus Company: It costs only 500 yen for a bus tour of 2 hours from Sannomiya! You can enjoy night views from both the mountain side and the sea side. Easy, efficient and I would highly recommend it to visitors, although the service is limited on Saturdays only.




It has been so warm like summer, but it is October. We have been using natural breeze from the window to cool ourselves since I put our fan away at the end of last month. Despite the weather, my “fall of appetite” has started. I could not resist the temptation of “bread with sweet beans” at the co-op the other day.







I noticed that President Obama gained more gray. It must be beyond my imagination how stressful it is to change the healthcare system of the big country. 

One of the largest difficulties I experienced while I was living in the States was their healthcare system. Since the enrollment of health insurance is voluntary in the country, it is generally up to each individual to choose whatever insurance company to sign up with. It could be an employee’s benefit from his/her work if employed, or a student may enroll in one through his/her school if studying. However, such insurance still does not cover much and it does not apply at every medical care provider. For this reason, I did not see a doctor on some occasions when feeling unwell during my residency in the country. 

I feel safer in Japan where everybody is provided with health insurance with very little discrimination. I support the idea of “Obamacare” which is the universal healthcare system to cover almost all American citizens. I am sure that everybody would appreciate the system once it is spread… I guess people have different opinions in the country to respect individual liberty.