This passing year
When I look back at this year, I cannot talk about it without mentioning the catastrophe of March 11th. In Kobe, where people had an experience of a big quake in the past, we started different activities to help people and communities in the affected areas swiftly. Eric and I participated in such activities as much as possible. We sorted donated items, purchased something when survivors came to sell their local items, and we went to see and talk to survivors when there was a chance.
I cannot forget a comment of a gentleman from Miyagi: “I was not prepared for anything like that. It feels like my home and myself were raped.”
My old classmate, whom I met at the school reunion in the summer, built a house and is raising a family in Fukushima. He was trying to keep his voice under control when he was expressing his anger to others. “I built my house in Fukushima to live there for good. I have my job and all my belongings there. I don’t care about radiation for myself, but should I give up everything for my children?”
We did not lose anything here and sincerely wish for them “to stay strong and be positive.” However, it cannot be so easy to be positive after or maybe still in the middle of such hardship… We can just stay with their wounded hearts quietly and keep supporting them a little at a time, but for sure.
I truly hope the coming year will be a peaceful one…
Neighbor country
Starting today, we are being asked to reduce energy consumption for the winter in western Japan, too. In North Korea, where their winter is colder, they seem to not have a stable energy supply to start with. I was wondering what this neighbor country would do while watching the news of Kim Jong-Il’s death in a moderately heated room.
冬(ふゆ)= fuyu: winter
寒い(さむい)= samui: cold
そもそも = somosomo: to start with
ニュース = nyu-su: news
Neighbor country
Starting today, we are being asked to reduce energy consumption for the winter in western Japan, too. In North Korea, where their winter is colder, they seem to not have a stable energy supply to start with. I was wondering what this neighbor country would do while watching the news of Kim Jong-Il’s death in a moderately heated room.
冬(ふゆ)= fuyu: winter
寒い(さむい)= samui: cold
そもそも = somosomo: to start with
ニュース = nyu-su: news

I just realized that I often purchase tea leaves when traveling. The best tea I had this year was the oolong tea from Taiwan. I usually drink Japanese green or roasted (brown) tea, and sometimes jasmine or lychee tea for a change. Since Eric has a slight cold, I made some mint tea for him today.
旅行(りょこう)= ryoko: travel
お茶(おちゃ)= o-cha: tea, tea leaf(s)
買う(かう)= kau: to purchase
緑茶(りょくちゃ)= ryokucha: green tea

Knife specialists sometimes come to our local co-op and they provide maintenance for our blades. I had my kitchen knife sharpened this time. The knife cuts so differently before and after the care. I would like to live my life respectfully for my daily tools in this way.
前(まえ)= mae: before, in front
後(あと)= ato: after, behind
全然(ぜんぜん)= zenzen: absolutely
このように = konoyouni: in this way

I received an unexpected package from my hometown last month. My uncle, who is over 100 years old, wrote in the enclosed letter that it was a remembrance of my aunt who passed away last December. This pretty pin will continue reminding me of her. I wonder what she would say about today’s world if she were still alive, although she did not know the catastrophe of March 11th?
手紙(てがみ)= tegami: letter(s)
100歳(ひゃくさい)= hyaku-sai: 100 years old
可愛い(かわいい)= kawaii: pretty, cute
今(いま)= ima: now
日本の食材10 こんにゃく

Japanese food 10 –Konnyaku (Konjac)
Eric says “gross” about its firm, jelly-like texture. I understand that the concrete-like grey color does not look attractive, either. But I cannot miss it in Oden…! Konnyaku is made of an araceous plant (a kind of potato); it is very low in calories and rich in dietary fiber.
Oden (おでん): It is a traditional Japanese stew made with fish/kelp bouillon. A variety of ingredients can be added; such as konnyaku, daikon radish, chikuwa fish-sausage and boiled eggs.

ハロウィン (Halloween):ヨーロッパを起源とするお祭り。カトリックの万聖節前夜(10月31日)に、精霊や魔女が現れると信じられていたことから、焚き火や仮装をする習慣として始まった。
サンクスギビング (Thanksgiving):毎年11月の第4木曜日。アメリカの祝日で、日本語では「感謝祭」と訳される。イギリス人入植者とアメリカ・インディアンとの歴史に起源を持つ。
Autumn to winter
In Japan, some variety stores started to display Christmas items from late October. Our holiday event after the summer may be Christmas since we do not celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving. I decorated our little Christmas tree today. I like the feel of the air getting colder and people getting busier towards the end of the year.
NOTE: Many Japanese people celebrate Christmas just as a fun event to hold parties and exchange presents. It may be just for commercial purposes and people do not often realize the religious meanings of the holiday.

A day in Nara
Eric’s father’s cousin is traveling in Japan and we went to Nara with her yesterday. We kept talking all the way through; we saw the Ashura statue at Kofukuji Temple, visited Kasuga Shrine, fed deer… and did other things as well. The only quiet moment was when we came in front of the big Buddha at Todaiji Temple. We gave a quick prayer and kept on talking and walking.
Buddhist talk
I had dinner with a group of American people from Eric’s work the other day. When I brought up the topic of Buddhism casually at the table, people asked me “what do you mean by that?” I tried to explain within my knowledge, but it did not sound very convincing to anybody, including myself.
Here are some reasons why Japanese people cannot explain Buddhism very well. First, religious education is usually not formalized in Japan. We learn morals of “do not do such and such” in ethics class at school and we learn the worship of ancestors through cemetery visitations and so on. Such Buddhist teachings are scattered all over our daily lives and we usually do not even recognize them as our religion. That makes it difficult for us to describe the religion verbally when asked. Secondly, there are not enough opportunities for students to learn techniques of discussion and presentation at school (when I was a student, at least.) I believe many people are not good at handling situations instantly where their conversations go with twists and when unexpected questions are asked. Also, the shy character of Japanese people and a cultural aspect of “understanding without words” may be included among the reasons.
It was one scene where I keenly realized that I do not have enough knowledge or experience to talk about Buddhism. I am willing to learn more about my own religion and become able to explain it both in Japanese and English.
Buddhist talk
I had dinner with a group of American people from Eric’s work the other day. When I brought up the topic of Buddhism casually at the table, people asked me “what do you mean by that?” I tried to explain within my knowledge, but it did not sound very convincing to anybody, including myself.
Here are some reasons why Japanese people cannot explain Buddhism very well. First, religious education is usually not formalized in Japan. We learn morals of “do not do such and such” in ethics class at school and we learn the worship of ancestors through cemetery visitations and so on. Such Buddhist teachings are scattered all over our daily lives and we usually do not even recognize them as our religion. That makes it difficult for us to describe the religion verbally when asked. Secondly, there are not enough opportunities for students to learn techniques of discussion and presentation at school (when I was a student, at least.) I believe many people are not good at handling situations instantly where their conversations go with twists and when unexpected questions are asked. Also, the shy character of Japanese people and a cultural aspect of “understanding without words” may be included among the reasons.
It was one scene where I keenly realized that I do not have enough knowledge or experience to talk about Buddhism. I am willing to learn more about my own religion and become able to explain it both in Japanese and English.

I have recently had allergic reactions to some food. I am aware that alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, etc) and mugwort are not good for me. Unignorably itchy hives starts to spread within minutes after taking those trigger foods and it could disturb my digestive system, too. I am going to have blood work to see what I am allergic to.
お酒(おさけ)= osake: alcoholic beverage(s)
ビール = bi-ru: beer
ワイン = wain: wine
じんましん = jinmashin: hives

Little library
We have a little library in our neighborhood and I go there sometimes. I borrowed a guidebook when we went to Manila the other day. Since it was rainy today, I enjoyed the afternoon reading a library book at home.
Picture: These are items we purchased in Philippines; dried mangoes, coconut oil, polvoron (cookie-like candies) and so on. The green boxes are rice porridge with ginger, which was my favorite part of the breakfast menu at our hotel.

To Manila
Eric attended an international conference of English education in Manila, Philippines on the weekend and I traveled with him.
Our flight arrived at midnight and the humid air and the energy of people felt overwhelming when we came out of the airport. It was precious as an experience that we not only enjoyed their bamboo dance and tropical cuisine, but also felt some history at Fort Santiago during our short stay.
Picture: Fort Santiago. It looks peaceful as a public park today, but many Filipinos were killed by Japanese troops here during WWⅡ.
*Exchange rate
100 peso = about 183 yen = about 2.3 US dollars
Flooding in Thailand
When I saw the serious flooding in Thailand, I could not help but wish to transfer the water to Somalia, knowing that it was impossible. They have been suffering from severe drought in Somalia. There are many Japanese companies with factories in Thailand and this flooding may affect the Japanese and world economy to a greater or lesser extent. We hope they will regain their smiles soon in Thailand, which is one of the countries we want to visit one day.
Flooding in Thailand
When I saw the serious flooding in Thailand, I could not help but wish to transfer the water to Somalia, knowing that it was impossible. They have been suffering from severe drought in Somalia. There are many Japanese companies with factories in Thailand and this flooding may affect the Japanese and world economy to a greater or lesser extent. We hope they will regain their smiles soon in Thailand, which is one of the countries we want to visit one day.
日本の食材9 柿

Japanese food 9 –Persimmon
One major kind of autumn fruit in Japan is persimmons. I remember the fruit being marked as “Kaki” at a market in some foreign country. Without any acidic flavor, it contains an equal or greater amount of vitamin C than is contained in lemons or strawberries.
果物(くだもの)= kudamono: fruit(s)
どこか = dokoka: somewhere
市場(いちば)= ichiba: market(s)
ビタミン = bitamin: vitamin(s)

I was tired and my digestive system was not working well. I feel my age when it takes longer to recover than it used to. However, I started to eat rice porridge, a food which had not been my favorite, and I became capable of cooking to suit my condition. It may be a positive side of aging.
Picture: A statue of the Goddess of Kannon with wet hands. It is said that your worldly sins may be washed off if you water the statue.

A happy person
I feel like doing more for a person who enjoys everyplace I take him to and every kind of food I offer him. The doctor who came to Japan the other day was such a person. I asked him to tell his good memories in Japan to his family and friends when he goes back to his country. I believe it will help this country in some ways.
Picture: Otowa Falls at Kiyomizu Temple. The falls were crowded with kids who came to this place for their school trip.

Tour guiding
I am going to give a little tour of Kyoto to an American doctor at work tomorrow. This time, I intend to take him to Kiyomizu Temple and Sanjusangendo Temple; I learned some information in a guide book. It is unfortunate that I did not remember much about the history or meaning of these temples, which I once visited for a school trip.
Picture: A lunch which I had at a soba (buckwheat noodle) restaurant when I was in Kyoto last time. (May, 2011)

He does not talk a lot, just like a samurai. I have heard his comment of never missing practice swings and cleaning his gears. He is from Aichi, the same prefecture where I am from, and he made a debut as a professional baseball player in Kobe, where I live now. Although you did not renew your 200-hit record for the 11th year in the American major league, everybody is proud of you, Ichiro.

Rokko Meets Art
During this past long weekend, my friend came to Kobe as Eric left for Busan. We participated in “Rokko Meets Art” per her suggestion. This is an event in which you travel on foot and by bus or other transportation to see artworks scattered on Mt. Rokko. With a beautiful weather, we enjoyed the fresh air and a number of unique pieces of artwork and we were exhausted by evening. We went straight to bed without chatting.
彼女(かのじょ)= kanojo: she
クタクタ = kutakuta: a state of being exhausted
疲れる(つかれる)= to be tired
おしゃべり = oshaberi: chatting

New semester
The autumn session started at Eric’s university yesterday and classes were cancelled today because of Typhoon No.15. Tomorrow, he is leaving for Busan, South Korea, to attend an international conference of English education. The heat of summer is gone and the time of busy schedules has restarted.
Picture: A chart of Korean pronunciations.
大学(だいがく)= daigaku: university(s)
秋(あき)= aki: autumn
~から = - kara: from -
~へ = - e: to -

Childhood friend
When I visited my hometown in August, I attended a reunion of the local junior high school. It has been 26 years since graduation! Everybody has changed in their own way, but we still called each other with our old names and enjoyed the time-slip for a little while. A girl whom I went to the reunion with will be coming to Kobe to visit me later this month.
中学(ちゅうがく)= chugaku: junior high school
同窓会(どうそうかい)= dousoukai: reunion
卒業(そつぎょう)= sotsugyo: graduation
それぞれ = sorezore: in each way
Mother Nature sometimes challenges us with unexpected ordeals. I should not have said “bored” during Typhoon No.12 the other day. There were over 100 people killed or missing mainly in the Kii peninsula, which is not far from Kobe. The images of destroyed villages by landslides overlap with the images of the broken Tohoku region which we have seen on TV so many times over the last half year. Please, do not give any more hardship to innocent people…
Mother Nature sometimes challenges us with unexpected ordeals. I should not have said “bored” during Typhoon No.12 the other day. There were over 100 people killed or missing mainly in the Kii peninsula, which is not far from Kobe. The images of destroyed villages by landslides overlap with the images of the broken Tohoku region which we have seen on TV so many times over the last half year. Please, do not give any more hardship to innocent people…

Typhoon No.12
The weather has been bad for a few days because of the typhoon and we stayed home for almost the entire weekend. We were really bored but it gave us a chance to rest fully. I am going to fight with the pile of laundry tomorrow, when the rain finally stops.
Picture: A panda bear at the Beijing Zoo. So adorable! Having had eye-contact with her is one of my most unforgettable memories.
北京旅行2 現実

Trip to Beijing2-A Plan Meets Reality
It happened. My father’s wallet was stolen on the subway. It was a pickpocket. We were all tired with the eventful schedule when we were on the subway. There was not much we could have done. We went to a police station to make a report immediately when we realized the incident. What was my father going to do if without Eric’s language ability? After that, Eric and I still took my disappointed father for shopping and we got some Chinese rice wine and moon-cakes, which were on our shopping list.
“We should not be mad at Chinese people, though. It could happen in any big city.”
Yes, it was so regretful, but we paid the price for a lesson.
By the way, I have changed my view of China through this trip. Their yelling tone of talking and their pushing way of getting through are both required techniques to survive in this country with a large population. As for Beijing, I could tell how hard they have been working to improve their quality as an international city, especially since the Olympics. We had a chance to witness those regular citizens’ innocence and kindness, in addition to our helpful guide and police officers. I like China a bit better than before.
Picture: Tiananmen Square
北京旅行1 実現

Trip to Beijing 1 -A Plan Realized
It was around New Year’s Day of this year when my father said, “I want to travel to Beijing with Eric, who speaks Chinese, to see the Great Wall.” Eric agreed with him right away. He has always been very interested in Chinese history and language.The two of them, however, sometimes have difficulty in communicating and I decided to go with them.
Our guide, Ms. Lo, took us to the Great Wall immediately after we landed in Beijing. It is a series of walls built by so many citizens with their blood, sweat and tears, spending so many years. The entire length of the wall used to be described as over 12,000 li (=approx. 6,300 kilometers = approx. 3,950 miles) and it became the Chinese name of “Ban-li” which literally means “ten thousand li.” I was happy to see my father’s contented face after we climbed to a point which offered great views. He kept his pace with us. After that, we stayed with our itinerary of eating Peking duck, seeing panda bears at the zoo and so on, until… (To be continued)
*Exchange rate
10 Chinese yuan = 120 Japanese yen = 1.56 American dollar (approx.)
Subway fare with no distance limitation: 2 yuan
First class ticket for an acrobatic show: 380 yuan
Pictures: The Great Wall and the Summer Palace

First Obon
Many families may have had their first Obon this summer five months after the catastrophe of March 11th. I heard that many victims are still missing and some bereaved families had started to register official death reports without bodies. I will keep some distance and watch those saddened families because everybody needs their own time to go through their grief and to feel “all right.”
お盆(おぼん)= Obon : Please refer the post of July 29th, 2010
戸籍(こせき)= Koseki: the Family Registration system; it is managed by the Japanese national government, and each and every family in Japan has a Family Register. Citizens report birth of babies, marriages and deaths, too.

2011年8月 1ドル=約77円
2005年8月 1ドル=約110円
We have been enjoying the TV series “LOST” on DVD, which has already been completed in the States. It suits our current season because the story is taking place on a steamy southern island. We will be finishing season 4 and will have to order the rest of the series soon. Although the strong yen is a problem for the Japanese economy, we would like to take advantage of it by purchasing imported items from abroad.
*Exchange rate:
1 dollar = about 77 yen as of August, 2011
1 dollar = about 110 yen as of August, 2005

I learned the taste of gazpacho from my mother-in-law in the States. We only need to puree tomatoes, onions and other summer vegetables along with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It is easy to make, full of nutrition and is tasty, too. However, I got a little tired of this soup since I have been making it every week. Eric is not tired of it yet, though.
トマト(とまと)= tomato: tomato(es)
玉ねぎ(たまねぎ)= tamanegi: onion(s)
油(あぶら)= abura: oil
酢(す)= su: vinegar

Honestly, I was not very surprised to hear about the accident of the Chinese version of the bullet train last week. As a citizen of a neighboring country, I would like to support China’s development. On the other hand, I am often afraid of the gap between their urge of “becoming the world’s No.1” and their capability and dignity as a country. According to my father’s wish, Eric and I are going with him to Beijing this summer. We will try to see both their positive and negative aspects as much as possible during our short stay there.

Volunteer meeting
Eric and I attended a volunteer meeting on Saturday. We learned some current information about the situation in the affected area of the Tohoku tsunami and the lecture by a specialist was interesting. However, there was no clear instruction of what we, regular citizens, could do for the sufferers. It has been over four months since the March 11th disaster and so many people have not regained their normal life yet. There should be something we could do for them.
Despite the frustration, our entire country was excited with the victory of the Japanese team at the women’s World Cup yesterday. I hope this good news will boost the recovery of the Tohoku region.
Picture: Kobe city hall

晴れ 最低気温26℃ 最高気温31℃
Our little effort
It has been one hot day after another since the rainy season ended last weekend. To cooperate with saving energy, we use hand fans and an electric fan during the day and use an air-conditioner during night-time only. I have no worry about laundry on sunny days, but I now have worries of getting tanned.
*Today’s weather
Sunny, Hi 90F and Lo 78F
続く(つづく)= tsuzuku: to continue
昼(ひる)= hiru: daytime
夜(よる)= yoru: night-time
心配(しんぱい)= shinpai: worry

外国から日本に来る場合、Japan Rail Passという周遊券があります。これを上手に使えば、JRの在来線・新幹線・バス・フェリーをお得に利用することができます。ただし、日本に来る前に自国で購入しなければならず、使用に際して制約条件があるようです。
Travel itinerary
A French doctor, who is invited by my organization, will be coming to Japan a bit early to travel around. He gave such requests as riding on a Shinkansen, going to Kyushu, eating traditional Japanese food and so on; I planned sightseeing and made reservations for him. I hope he will enjoy this trip with my travel itinerary.
*Useful information
When you travel to Japan from other countries, a Japan Rail Pass may be handy for you. You can use JR regular trains, Shinkansen, JR buses and JR ferries with this pass reasonably. However, you have to purchase the pass before you leave your own country and there are some restrictions which apply.
日本の食材8 豆腐

Japanese food 8 –Tofu
It has a smooth texture and the delicate aroma of soy beans… When I was living in the states, I could not find a good piece of tofu and I was homesick for the flavor. With some dried bonito flakes, green onions, ground ginger and ponzu sauce, it can be a delicious appetizer called Hiyayakko.
滑らかな(なめらかな)= nameraka-na: smooth
良い(よい)= yoi: good
手(て)= te: hand(s)
味(あじ)= aji: taste, flavor

Sprained neck
I sprained my neck the other day. It was pretty bad and I had to ask Eric to help with house keeping. What I learned through an osteopathic treatment is that you should cool the area. Warming your sprained neck in a bath or moving it forcedly is a big no-no.
Picture: A city loop bus, which goes around Kobe and stops at popular sites.
首(くび)= kubi: neck
家事(かじ)= kaji: house keeping
冷やす(ひやす)= hiyasu: to cool
温める(あたためる)= atatameru: to warm

写真:大阪心斎橋にあるグリコの看板。(2010 年3月撮影)
My elder brother
My brother, who works for the Toyota group, was assigned a new position and he will be moving to Osaka next month. Because of the educational concern for his boys, his family will stay in Nagoya. He and I had a good relationship as siblings, but we have not talked much since we each got married. To be honest, I am happy with his moving closer to us, which may give us some chance to spend time with each other again.
Picture: The Glico sign at Shinsaibashi, Osaka. (Taken in March, 2010)
兄(あに)= ani: elder brother(s)
名古屋(なごや)= Nagoya
それぞれ = sorezore: each
また = mata: again

This is a Japanese-English expression and I understand its meaning as “places where you can get energy of well-being and good-luck.” Popular power-spots are in nature, shrines and temples. When I need some energy, I go back to my hometown. Since I was feeling dull physically and mentally in this rainy season, I needed to reset myself and I visited my parents on the weekend.
Picture: Iris is the city flower of Hekinan. The city flower of Kobe is hydrangea.
元気(げんき)= genki: well-being
自然(しぜん)= shizen: nature
人気の(にんきの)= ninki-no: popular
菖蒲(しょうぶ)= shoubu: iris(es)
I think it was about two years ago when Mr. Hatoyama, the Japanese Prime Minister of that time, announced “Japan will aim to reduce its CO2 emissions by 25% by 2020” at a UN conference. His pledge, which sounded so unrealistic and conceited, made me feel ashamed as a Japanese citizen.
After the disaster of March 11th, there is no electric supply from the Fukushima power plant and people are more conscious of energy saving, especially in the eastern Japan. Power companies started to cease operation of their nuclear reactors in addition to Fukushima’s. We should have rethought our energy consumption long before the disaster. It is ironic that the announcement by Mr. Hatoyama sounds more realistic now after facing this emergency.
We, however, needed plenty of electricity for the development of industry, and it is true that nuclear energy was the most effective power source. Better systems or equipment are often invented and spread when people really need them. If each one of us becomes more aware of limited energy and some breakthrough ideas to substitute nuclear power are invented, our difficult time of sadness and anger would be rewarded in a way.
I think it was about two years ago when Mr. Hatoyama, the Japanese Prime Minister of that time, announced “Japan will aim to reduce its CO2 emissions by 25% by 2020” at a UN conference. His pledge, which sounded so unrealistic and conceited, made me feel ashamed as a Japanese citizen.
After the disaster of March 11th, there is no electric supply from the Fukushima power plant and people are more conscious of energy saving, especially in the eastern Japan. Power companies started to cease operation of their nuclear reactors in addition to Fukushima’s. We should have rethought our energy consumption long before the disaster. It is ironic that the announcement by Mr. Hatoyama sounds more realistic now after facing this emergency.
We, however, needed plenty of electricity for the development of industry, and it is true that nuclear energy was the most effective power source. Better systems or equipment are often invented and spread when people really need them. If each one of us becomes more aware of limited energy and some breakthrough ideas to substitute nuclear power are invented, our difficult time of sadness and anger would be rewarded in a way.

Gift of words
My mother-in-law gave me some inspirational quotations for women. I picked-up a few and would like to share them with everybody here.
-You can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
-Even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.
-People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

The rainy season started before June this year. Eric and I went to Tokushima for a day trip using a precious sunny weekend yesterday. It takes about two hours to get there from Kobe by bus. We had a chance to see their rich cultural features, such as a Japanese puppet show, the Awa-odori dance, and indigo-dyeing in this little local city.
阿波踊り(あわおどり)= Awa-odori: It is a dance to a double rhythm with a unique chant, which means “Dancing fool and watching fool. Why don’t you enjoy dancing if you are a fool anyway?”

When he moved in, we went to his door to welcome him to the apartment. Our door bell rang within an hour and he asked us “will you call the gas company as they did not show up at the arranged time?” Of course, we did not mind helping him. Next day, we went out for a day and came home after 10pm. Our door bell rang again. This time, he wanted us to explain how to use his washing machine. We were a bit put-off and asked him not to come to us in the late hours. He suddenly hardened his face. This is the employees’ apartment for Eric’s university and we want to get along with the residents here… It might take a little more time to get to know this neighbor from India.
Picture: A scene from the Danjiri parade held in our neighborhood during Golden Week.

Something new
I purchased a book of English vocabulary the other day. I almost never use a dictionary when talking with Eric or when writing posts for this blog. I use on-line dictionaries when working on translation at work and it is hard to keep memories of new vocabulary. A part of me is longing for some new motivation or challenge and I am considering taking the TOEIC exam after a long absence.
Picture: The Golden Pavilion in Kyoto where we visited with the British doctor couple during Golden Week.
本(ほん)= hon: book(s)
会話(かいわ)= kaiwa: conversation(s)
書く(かく)= kaku: to write
挑戦(ちょうせん)= chousen: challenge(s)

Good time in Kobe
Two of my girl-friends from Nagoya came to visit me in Kobe. I was excited to show them all of the good things here.
First, we purchased one-day passes for the City Loop bus which goes around major sightseeing spots in the city. We enjoyed views from the observation floor of the city hall and then went to Chinatown. For lunch, I picked “Lunch & Tea” at the Kobe Kitano Hotel, about which I had been curious myself. Then we kept shopping and walking… I was happy to see their contented faces.
日本の食材7 蕗と筍

Japanese Food 7 –Japanese butterburs and bamboo shoots
I like the distinctive aroma of Japanese butterburs very much. I also like the crunchy texture of bamboo shoots, too. Both require a lot of preparation, such as peeling the tough skins and skimming the scum from the pot, but no other vegetables can substitute these unique flavors of the Japanese early summer.
蕗(ふき)= fuki: Japanese butterbur(s)
筍(たけのこ)= takenoko: bamboo shoot(s)
香り = kaori: aroma
味 = aji: flavor

Tomorrow, it will have been two months since the disaster of the Japanese Tohoku region. I wonder how long these two months have felt for the sufferers who have been through a lot of difficulty. The fresh green leaves of Mt. Rokko are waving to the May breeze as if nothing ever happened. We are spending our lives as normally as possible, but always thinking of the sufferers in our hearts.
Rokko-san = Mt. Rokko: It is a series of mountains located in the north-west area of Kobe. It is included in the Seto Inland Sea National Park.

Kobe beef
Our friend family came to Kobe during this Golden Week. We wanted them to taste authentic Kobe beef and made a reservation at a fancy restaurant. Everybody enjoyed the meal and conversation and when we started to think of checking-out, our friend said “It’s already taken care of.” We felt so bad. They were the guests!
By the way, when we saw the British couple on the day after the royal wedding, they said “The former Prime Minister Blair’s wife was not wearing a hat when the Queen was wearing a hat. What nerve!” I did not even notice who was not wearing a hat. They must have strict dress codes at formal occasions in a traditional country like England.

The Royal Wedding
White dress, tall prince, carriage parade… People all over the world must have watched this fairy-tale wedding of William and Kate. It was a rather modest wedding for the royal couple with consideration of the financial difficulty of the country, which made the modern couple even more amiable. I remembered my own wedding and felt a little sentimental when they were exchanging vows.
Picture: Big Ben must have been watching them, too.

1) 鳥居をくぐり、中央を避けて歩くこと。
2) 手水舎で手と口を清めること。
3) 神前にお賽銭を納めた後、二礼一拍手一礼をする。
Ikuta Shrine
I went to downtown Sannomiya, where Eric takes Korean class every Sunday. I visited Ikuta Shrine for the first time after living in Kobe over a year. You will see the brightly-colored gate just behind busy streets, close enough from Hankyu Sannomiya station. It feels refreshing to greet spirits at their shrines.
Basic manners at shrines
1) Go through the gate. Do not walk in the center.
2) Wash your hands and mouth with prepared water.
3) After offering money up front, take two bows, two claps and another bow.

A British doctor is coming to Japan with his wife to give a seminar during Golden Week for the organization where I work. The plan was once about to be cancelled because of his concern for the Fukushima nuclear plant, but we communicated by email and on the phone repeatedly and retained our schedule. Eric and I are going to show them Kyoto on his day off. They are coming here in this difficult time and we would like to show the best of our hospitality.
Picture: I made some Japanese paper boxes as their gifts.
福島 = Fukushima
キャンセル = kyanseru: cancellation
電話 = denwa: telephone
京都 = Kyoto

I thought about why Japanese people like cherry blossoms. These pale pink blossoms are so fragile and if you do not pay enough attention, they can be blown away with one spring shower before long. Because you know they do not live forever, you appreciate more of their short lives.
どうして = doushite: why?
桜 = sakura: cherry blossoms
ピンク = pinku: pink
うっかり = ukkari: being careless
日本の食材6 切り干し大根

Japanese food 6 –Kiriboshidaikon
When we visited my parents the other week, my mother gave us home-made Kiriboshidaikon. She grew Daikon radishes, shredded them and then dried them in a cold winter wind. It sounds like a miracle that this sun-drying method enhances its original nutrition of calcium, iron and so on by many times. This is a regular ingredient of my home cooking, too.
畑 = hatake: vegetable garden
風 = kaze: wind
カルシウム = karushiumu: calcium
など = nado: and so on, etc.

Unwanted favor
Cherry blossoms are in bloom, but we did not feel like going to O-hanami and went to join a volunteer activity yesterday. What we did was sorting donated items for the disaster sufferers piled at a soccer stadium in Kobe. We found dirty or damaged clothes, Christmas decorations and so on among the items and the expression of “unwanted favor” came across my mind so often. It reminded me of thinking from another person’s standpoint.
Picture: Last year’s cherry blossoms at night.
お花見 = O-hanami: A traditional picnic during the day or at night to admire these short-living cherry blossoms.

The King’s Speech
Eric and I watched a movie; “The King’s Speech.” The story is based on the fact of King George VI, who was the father of Queen Elizabeth II. It was a little encouraging seeing a good number of audiences at the theater. I believe one of the things we can do at the moment is to prevent further deflation of the Japanese economy, especially after the disaster. Although we felt bad for the people in difficulty, we felt obligated to have some ice cream, too.
映画 = eiga: movie(s)
スピーチ = spi-chi: speech
女王 = joou: queen
経済 = keizai: economy

1. 火の始末をする
2. テーブルの下などに隠れ、身を守る
3. エレベーターを使わない
When it happens
Eric and I visited my parents on this past long weekend. Aichi, where they live, is also far enough from the quakes and the nuclear plants and they are doing well. We planned this trip before the disaster but it made me feel better to see them being fine, especially after this dreadful disaster.
When earthquakes happen…
1. You should put out any kind of fire.
2. You should go under a table or something to protect yourself.
3. You should not use elevators.
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