


When I was an elementary school kid, I used to walk to school with friends under rows of cherry trees. It takes only a few weeks from the unfolding of buds to the fluttering of blossoms. My memories of cherry blossoms were always in April when our new school year started, but they are already in full bloom this year. Although my hay fever hinders the joy of an outing, maybe I should go and see the beauty this weekend before they are gone.


日本の食材17 ホタルイカ


Japanese Food 17 –Firefly Squid
We had some firefly squids, which are a kind of spring messenger food. These tiny squids are barely 4 inches long, and I read that they usually live deep in the sea and come closer to coast lines for spawning in this season. I have seen them on TV, glowing in the dark sea like fireflies, just as their name suggests. They are tender and have some sweet flavour, and I like them with mustard-miso dressing.




I started meditation which was introduced in a health-related book. It can be described as “letting your mind drift” in other words. Although I am just a beginner and cannot talk a lot about it yet, I can say that the key of meditation is breathing. You should pay more time and attention to exhaling than inhaling. It feels that I have been falling asleep faster and sleeping deeper than before.







Spring Again 

When we were living in the States, our once-a-year cleaning was in the spring, not at the end of the year. It feels good to clean our sash glasses and bathroom tiles with fresh air from the windows on a sunny day. I also put some winter clothes away this weekend. To be ready for the new season, I am getting rid of worn-out items to make room for new items. 

Now, I think it would be nice if we could clean our minds in this way, too. 

When we are living our lives, everybody experiences some kind of hardship to a greater or lesser extent. I myself have experienced some difficulty and think that my sense of happiness might have been different without such a hard time. Since everybody needs their own time to accept ordeals and to regain strength to move forward, we should not rush them. Mind-cleaning is not as simple as house-cleaning. 

It will have been 2 years since the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami tomorrow. We hear that many residential areas have not recovered yet and they have not found enough room to put the waste of the Fukushima power plant, and such information reminds us of the continuing hardship of the catastrophe. If the suffering people could see a physical recovery of their home towns, it could encourage the recovery of their minds, too... I will stay conscious to find what I can do for them.


カンボジア記2 未来形


*2日続けて訪れた食堂にて:「昨日も来たでしょ? ここに座っていたよね?」「とってもお利口さんね!」彼女の笑顔に負けて、絵葉書セットを購入しました。(写真の少女。絵葉書は10枚で1米ドルでした。)

Cambodian Report 2 –Future Form

Angkor Wat, of course, is a special place. The ancient Hindu temple looked so mystical with its silhouette outlined by the rising sun. I hope that they will preserve these world heritage sites for the future.  What left a stronger impression in my memory, however, were the spirited smiles of the children there. They will develop Cambodia into a better country. 

-Conversations with girls
*At a diner where we visited twice in a row: “You came here yesterday! You sat at this table!” “You are so smart!” I could not resist her smile and purchased a set of postcards from her. (It is the girl in the lower picture. The set of 10 postcards was $1US.)
*At one of the ruins: “I am 16. How old are you?” “Well, I am 42.” I almost forgot my age, but answered honestly.


カンボジア記1 現在形

「あれ? 発展途上国じゃなかったっけ?」出発前に十分なリサーチができていなかったこともあるかもしれませんが、これがカンボジアの第一印象でした。首都プノンペンも観光都市のシェムリアップも、市街地は想像以上に整備されていました。人々は、アクセントが強いながらも巧みに英語を話し、明るくたくましく生活しているのです。 


Cambodian Report 1 -Present Form

 “Oh? Isn’t this a developing country?” This was the first impression I had in Cambodia, partially because I did not do enough research before leaving home. Urban areas including Phnom Penh, the capital, and Siem Reap, the tourist city, were a lot more developed than I expected. People speak English ably, although with strong accents. They live their lives vigorously without being cynical. 

-My Experiences
*Tuk Tuk: It is a vehicle with a carriage to accommodate a few people which is pulled by a motor bike. You need glasses and a mask to cover your face from sand and dust when going on unpaved roads. 
*Green Mango Salad: It is a salad using shredded unripe mangos. It is not sweet, but tasty along with some herbs. I also enjoyed fresh spring rolls, Tom Yam Kung (soup) and so on. 
*Old Market: We did not see any supermarkets or convenience stores and did most of our souvenir shopping at this market. We purchased dried mangoes, palm sugar, krormas (cotton scarves) and so on.