アパートにある柚子の木が沢山実をつけていたので、そろそろ採らせてもらおうと思っていたら、先客がありました。週末の朝、隣家の奥さんが両手いっぱいに持ち帰っていました。アパートの住人でない人に先を越されるとは…! 悔しいので私も急いでふたつほど収穫し、果汁と皮を使ってなますを作りました。
Unwelcome Guest
The yuzu tree at our apartment was bearing a lot of fruits and
it was my plan to pick some soon, but somebody else was there before me. The wife who lives next to our apartment was
carrying both hands full of yuzu on a weekend morning. It made me mad because she
does not pay rent here…! I immediately picked a couple and made some salad
using their juice and peels.