At the end of the year
Eric and I came to my parents’ home the day before yesterday and I am writing this in Hekinan. When I was getting ready for work on the morning of the 28th, my mother called to inform me that her oldest sister had passed away. She was 85 and the second oldest of eight siblings while my mother is the youngest and they were 18 years apart. Just the way she always was in life, her death was gracious, too.
We caught an early bus and arrived in time for her wake and funeral. Eric, dressed in a black suit, offered incense in the Japanese manner and it impressed my relatives. I am grateful that the aunt gave him an opportunity to meet my cousins who live distantly.
So, today is the last day of 2010. I wonder what the New Year will be like. I do not hope for anything especially good, but I do hope for a peaceful year without many natural disasters or fighting.
日本の食材4 蓮根

Japanese food 4 – Lotus root
I have seen the harvesting of lotus root on TV. I felt sorry and grateful for a person who was soaking in a muddy swamp up to his waist in a cold weather to pick up each piece without breaking it. Because of its shape with holes, this vegetable is considered to be a good-luck food of “looking the future.” We may have some at our New Year’s dinner.
蓮根(レンコン) = renkon: lotus root
寒い = samui: cold
気持ち = kimochi: feeling
お正月 = oshogatsu: New Year’s day and the season around it

Lights for the souls
There is an event called “Kobe Luminarie” in Sannomiya for about two weeks in December every year. This has been happening since 1995, to commemorate the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and to pray for the souls of the victims. Eric and I went down and strolled around the lit-up streets among a big crowd of people.
約 = yaku: about
祈る = inoru: to pray
目的 = mokuteki: purpose(s)
中 = naka: among, in the middle

People in Buffalo
After business, I was excused to stop in Buffalo. Homecoming after 10 months! I saw family and friends within my limited time. I enjoyed Mom’s cooking and Sara’s company during shopping very much, but seeing the people whom I had missed meant the most to me.
Picture: Is this what Aunt Jane was talking about at dinner?
後 = ato: after
10ヶ月 = ju-kagetsu: 10-month period
一番 = ichiban: best, most
嬉しい = ureshii: to be happy

People in Kirksville
I went to a small town called Kirkville in Missouri on business. I am greatly appreciative of the four students and the president of the university, the museum director and every staff member for their kindness and hospitality. I am not sure if I will have another chance to be there, but I do not want to ride in an 8-seater Cessna again. Once was enough for me.
州 = shu: state(s)
大学生 = daigakusei: university/college student(s)
博物館 = hakubutsukan: museum(s)
おもてなし = omotenashi: hospitality

Being hectic
Right before an upcoming business trip to the States, I experienced a few weeks of being extremely busy and not feeling well at the same time. I am still running around today. I am afraid it will be like this until the end of the year. What am I gonna do with Christmas gifts, New Year’s cards and the end-of-year clean-up…?
I will post my next diary, hopefully in the second week of December. Please take care.
バタバタ = batabata: an onomatopoeia to describe a busy state
悪い = warui: bad, not well
プレゼント = purezento: present
12月 = jyunigatsu: December

晴れ 最低気温9℃ 最高気温15℃
I have been thinking of the laundry very often these days. In the States, it was just a once-a-week job with a huge washer and a drier so there was no worry about the weather. Here, there is no other option than doing it everyday, when I have no drier but a tiny balcony on which to hang clothes and sheets. It will be harder to dry them outside in the coming season, which will give me more trouble.
*Today’s weather
Sunny, Hi59F and Lo48F
最近 = saikin: these days
洗濯 = sentaku: laundry
アパート = apa-to: apartment
ますます = masumasu: more

When I had some discomfort in my lower right chest and went to see a primary doctor several months ago, I was told “it might be some liver problem.” I rushed to a larger clinic to have blood work and computer tomography, but nothing was found. I tried osteopathy treatment, which I learned about through work, and the dull pain of the two weeks was just gone. According to the osteopath, my old scar from an appendix removal was pulling at my inner organs. I have been taking his treatment once a month since then. Along with the reformation of my eating habits, I am now trying to be more conscious of the balance for my well-being.
Eric and I were eating out more often than usual in the past few weeks and it was giving me some bad feelings, although I did enjoy the food. I went off-balance and got sick, as predicted.
Picture: My old walking path in Buffalo. Taken in November, 2009.

November 8th –Good teeth day
My sister-in-law, who is an orthodontist, provided me with free treatment while I was living in the States. Starting with the removal of three teeth, I wore braces for three years and still wear retainers while sleeping after five years. It has been quite a tough experience, but it was really worth doing and I smile with my teeth showing more than before. Thank you, Kate!
歯 = ha: tooth, teeth
寝る = neru: to sleep
かなり = kanari: quite
笑う = warau: to smile, to laugh

I turned 40 years old. I am half done with my life, yet I have half way to go. Being neither a mom nor a career woman, I have such a small existence. I will try to give back all the help and support given to me by many people, even a little at a time, in the latter half of my life.
40歳 = yonju-sai: forty years old
なる = naru: to turn to be, to become
ママ = mama: mom(s)
少しずつ = sukoshizutsu: a little at a time

Swiss dinner
We were once afraid of an out-of-season typhoon this weekend, but we did not get hit by it in the Kansai area. My friends were once thinking of giving up their plan of coming to Kobe from Aichi, but they did get to come here after all. We had a Swiss dinner together in Kitanozaka last night and we are going to meet up on Awaji Island today. We hope to see the Naruto whirlpool.
Picture: At “Swiss Chalet.” Budget for cheese fondue and wine is from $60 per person.
季節 = kisetsu: season (s)
台風 = taifu: typhoon (s)
これから = korekara: from now
スイス = suisu: Switzerland, Swiss

I was so disappointed with the result of my health check-up I took the other week. My cholesterol level is slightly higher than the normal level. I mostly eat healthy Japanese meals and ride my bike everyday. What else should I do? I guess I should cut back on my favorite sweets?
Picture: Cakes named “Eel’s bed” by Daniel of the Mikage district. There are too many sweet temptations in Kobe.
甘いもの = amaimono: sweets
健康 = kenko: (good) health
高い = takai: high
大好きな = daisukina: favorite

Frequented by bears
According to the national news, Japanese towns have been frequented by bears these days. This is because of the poor harvest of nuts in the mountains due to the big heat of this summer. They not only dig vegetables in gardens and garbage outside, but also break into houses and attack people. I can only imagine how desperate these bears are. Hunters sometimes have to kill them in order to save people. It is such a sad story.
熊 = kuma: bear (s)
山 = yama: mountain (s)
木の実 = ki-no-mi: nut (s)
ニュース = nyusu: news

Seoul again
Eric is leaving for Seoul on business tomorrow. I know he has work to do in a short stay and it will not be as amusing as the trip we had in the summer, but I still feel a bit envious. I wonder if he will enjoy tasty Korean BBQ again. While he is away, I will eat a lot of mushrooms, which he does not care for.
Picture: From our Korean trip in August
出張 = shuccho: business trip (s)
短い = mijikai: short
嫌いな = kiraina: least favorite
キノコ = kinoko: mushroom (s)

We went to a Russian restaurant called “Balalaika” with my friend. It was one I wanted to go to and did not have a chance until today. The Kitanozaka area where the restaurant is located was pretty crowded maybe because today was the middle day of the three-day weekend. We had Bosrcht, Piroziki and Georgian wine. The three of us enjoyed both food and conversation.
Budget: meal and wine for one person from $36
ロシア = Roshia: Russia
かなり = kanari: pretty, quite
ワイン = wain: wine
おしゃべり = oshaberi: conversation, chat

Colors of autumn
There is no dress code at the office where I work three days a week since we work at desks only. I usually wear cotton tops and jeans to be ready for my bike commute. When I went downtown for a personal business today, I saw people dressed fashionably in autumn colors and it made me feel self-conscious. I need to shop!
Picture: Harbor Land at Kobe port. (Taken in late September)
秋 = aki: autumn
全て = subete: all
自由 = jiyuu: free
綿 = men: cotton
日本の食材3 秋刀魚

Japanese food 3 – Saury
I heard on the news that fishermen were experiencing a poor catch of saury fish because of the heat wave we had in the summer. The price of this fish, however, seems to have somewhat settled down as the temperature goes down. How much I enjoy the combination of grilled saury and grated daikon radish! The flavor reminds me “I am living in Japan.”
秋刀魚(さんま) = sanma: saury
ニュース = nyusu: news
聞く = kiku: to hear
暮らす = kurasu: to live

Coffee Museum
We went to the UCC Coffee Museum on Kobe’s Port Island. It is a small museum where they show the origin of coffee, how to grow the plant, how to enjoy tasting coffee and so on. The weather suddenly turned cooler this week and it makes a hot cup of coffee even tastier.
Picture: “Mamegon,” made of coffee beans, stands on the first floor.
UCC = Abbreviation for Ueshima Coffee Company
ポートアイランド = Port Island: an artificial island built in Kobe Port
小さな = chiisana: small
温かい = atatakai: hot, warm
Welcome home!
Eric came home. He said that he had a lot of lamb in Kyrgyzstan. Since I was working today, I could not fix anything special for dinner, but we enjoyed the company of each other.
Picture: This was a soup Eric had in Kyrgyzstan. Lamb, noodles and vegetables were in it.
帰る = kaeru: to come home, to return
夕食 = yushoku: dinner
特別な = tokubetsu-na: special
作る = tsukuru: to make

片道約190分 往復5500円
Bus trip
Since it was boring to be alone, I visited my parents again on the weekend. I used the highway bus service for the first time. I got on board with onigiri and had them for lunch. The view from the window entertained me, too. A slow trip like this could be fun if it happens only once in a while. I had many fresh figs from the garden at my parents’ home.
Highway bus information
Sannomiya Bus Terminal (Kobe) – Meitetsu Bus Center (Nagoya)
About 190 minutes /one way, about 65 dollar /round trip
バス = basu: bus (s)
おにぎり = onigiri: rice ball (s): typical take-out food, often stuffed with umeboshi, picked plum, and covered with nori, dried seaweed
昼ごはん = hiru-gohan: lunch, mid-day-meal
無花果 = ichijiku: fig (s)

Eric is leaving for Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan for 10 days from tomorrow. His mission is to promote English education there. I once opposed to the plan because of the ethnic conflict they have in the south, but was persuaded by him after all. I still am concerned about his safety and had him insured just in case.
~から = …kara: from…
英語 = eigo: English
一度 = ichido: once
南部 = nanbu: south, southern part

Kaiyukan aquarium
Eric and I took our young guest to Kaiyukan aquarium in Osaka. “Great!” “Cute!” “Interesting!” We peeked into tanks divided by theme as we descended the spiral slope of the 8 story building. 3 hours passed so quickly.
Picture: Whale sharks with 4 – 5 meter long bodies are very popular at the aquarium. They looked gentle to me.
若い = wakai: young
すごい = sugoi: great, extraordinary
かわいい = kawaii: cute
おもしろい = omoshiroi: interesting, funny

My friends' daughter is coming to visit us from Nagoya. They could not go camping because of a typhoon during the obon period. When I heard of their ruined plan for this eighth grader, I suggested that she come to Kobe on her own. Childhood never comes again. I cannot be any happier than assisting the girl to make some good memories of the summer.
Picture: A view of Kobe port from our neighborhood.
娘 = musume: daughter (s)
台風 = taifu: typhoon (s)
中学生 = chugakusei: junior high school student (s)
嬉しい = ureshii: happy

晴れ時々曇り 最低気温27℃ 最高気温34℃
High School League
They closed the summer season of the national high school league at Koshien stadium in Nishinomiya city. Playing without such thoughts of getting rewarded or anything under the burning sun, the young players looked pure despite the mud on their uniforms. I remember coming to Koshien with my family when I was a kid, all the way from Aichi prefecture. Living a lot closer to the stadium now, I do not have the courage to watch games in this summer heat...
*Today’s weather
Sunny with some clouds, Hi93F Lo81F
野球 = yakyu: baseball
ユニフォーム = yunifo-mu: uniform
わざわざ = wazawaza: all the way
勇気 = yuuki: courage
韓国旅行2 学ぶ

Trip to Korea 2 –Learning
We took bus tours to visit historic places like Gyeongbokgung, Suwon and Jongmyo. I felt fragments of unspoken anger towards the Japanese through the native guides, for the unforgivable events of Hideyoshi’s Korean invasion and Japan’s annexation of the Korean Peninsula which lasted 36 years from 1910. Hangul writing, which Sejong the Great invented, is constructed around the symbols which indicate the shapes of the mouth in each pronunciation. I learnt a bit of their ethnic distinction and intelligence through this trip.
When we came home and turned the TV on, NHK was just showing a program of Japanese-Korean discussion. According to a survey, 62% of the Japanese like Korea, but on the contrary, 70% of the Koreans dislike Japan. I would like to visit the country again after learning more about the history and their culture, which may be more different than what might first be surmised.
Picture: Hibiscus syriacus (rose of Sharon) at Suwon. This beautiful yet vigorous flower, which blooms even after being mistreated repeatedly, is the national flower of Korea.
韓国旅行1 遊ぶ

100円 = 1300ウォン = 1.16ドル
Trip to Korea 1 -Having fun
It felt like meeting a distant cousin… It was my first time to visit Korea, yet it felt like I was there for the second time.
I had my pedicure and eye-lash extension done right after arriving in Korea. A young woman with beautiful skin did a great job for me. In my opinion, delicate works like these are Asian people’s specialty. The service by attentive servers at BBQ restaurants - we had Korean BBQ twice during our stay - was also impressive. Additionally, the streets in Seoul were a lot cleaner than in China or the USA.
*Exchange rate
1doller = 86 yen = 1121 won
Pedicure and eye-lash extension: 100,000won as a set (after negotiation)
BBQ dinner with beer for two persons: 60,000won

My summers
Here are three phrases to describe summer at different stages in my life.
In my childhood: “cicada” ”swimming pool” “ice cream”
Before being married: “sunscreen” “bikini” “fireworks”
Now: “air conditioner” “nap” “edamame”
At long last, Eric and I are leaving for Korea from the 11th.
三つ = mittsu: three, three pieces
子供 = kodomo: child/ children
枝豆 = edamame: green soy beans
いよいよ = iyoiyo: at long last, finally

We came home safely. After making a prayer at my grandparents’ altar, seeing my parents and being surprised with the two nephews at my brother’s, who grew up so much in a few years, I felt “I am living a life which was given to me.” I would like to live everyday with appreciation for this life of mine.
Picture: There are a lot of tunnels on the highways between Kobe and Hekinan.
仏壇 = butsudan: Buddhist altar
手 = te: hand (s)
甥 = oi: nephew (s)
トンネル = tonneru: tunnel (s)

Since Eric and I are traveling during the Obon period, we are visiting my parents this weekend. We are not used to driving a rental car and feel a bit nervous, but it will still be a fun event. It costs more to drive to Hekinan, when we add up the rental fee and the insurance fee for three days, the gas and the toll fee, than to use the bullet train for the two of us. We should choose transportation carefully depending on what our purpose is.
お盆 = Obon: August 13th, 14th and 15th are the three days in which the Buddhists hold a festival to recognize ancestral spirits
ドキドキ = dokidoki: “thump, thump” – a noise to describe racing heart when nervous or excited
ドライブ = doraibu: driving
目的 = mokuteki: purpose (s)

最低気温27℃ 最高気温34℃
Big heat
Once the rainy season ended, it became very hot. According to the Japanese calendar, yesterday was Taisho, the big heat day. Without an air-conditioner, my brain and body do not work properly. I am afraid that I have not been doing house keeping very well for this reason.
*Today’s weather
Hi 93F, Lo 81F
暑い = atsui: hot
暦 = koyomi: calendar
エアコン = eakon: air-conditioner (s)
家事 = kaji: house keeping

Experiencing USJ
I took a mother and a daughter, who came from France, to USJ (Universal Studio Japan) as a part of my job. Honestly, it was a theme park I wanted to go to myself and I felt so lucky. The thirteen-year-old daughter conquered roller coasters one after another, leaving her mother and me on the ground.
Picture: A show on the stage in Land of Oz.
フランス = furansu: France
実は = jitsuwa: honestly
13歳 = jyu-san sai: thirteen years old
娘 = musume: daughter

It has been rainy and gloomy for a while. I miss Eric’s parents’ summer house in the west end countryside of New York State, especially in this season. Surrounded by green, still cool in summer, we used to have meals on the porch. I wish I could go there right now.
Picture: They hung bird-feeders outside the porch. This was taken in mid-July, last year.
うっとうしい = uttoushii: gloomy
緑 = midori: green
涼しい = suzushii: cool
鳥 = tori: bird (s)
日本の食材2 枇杷

Japanese Food 2 - Loquat
I was given some Biwa (loquats) at work. These fruits are smaller than kiwis and taste mildly sweet without any acidic flavor. “Three years for peaches and chestnuts, eight years for persimmons” is a common expression in Japan, which means “it takes a certain time to get a result.” Some people continue with “thirteen short years for loquats,” but I am not sure about this latter part of the expression.
小さい = chiisai: small
桃 = momo: peach (s)
栗 = kuri: chestnut (s)
ある = aru: to be, to exist

I saw a girlfriend from my college days after a long absence. We met up at Sannomiya Station, had lunch at a café, and went shopping at a store to which we once went together a long time ago. Then we had some tea at Kobe Kitano Hotel at the end. Seeing her, someone who is originally from this area, is one of many things I can enjoy in my Kobe life.
女 = onna: female
駅 = eki: station (s)
買いもの = kaimono: shopping
お茶 = ocha: tea

To be prepared for summer vacation, I went to renew my passport before it expired. Australia, China (Hong Kong), USA, Canada, England and Iceland were the countries which I visited since 2000. Looking at my portrait on the new passport, I wondered what adventures I will experience in the next ten years.
国 = kuni: country (s)
イギリス = igirisu: England
新しい = atarashii: new
顔 = kao: face (s)

最低気温22℃ 最高気温25℃
Living without a car, I choose to walk on rainy days instead of biking because it could be dangerous. I try to cheer myself up with a pink umbrella. I did not care for hydrangeas before, but I started to realize their beauty recently. They add some colors to the streets during this rainy season.
*Today’s weather
Rainy all day
Hi77F Lo72F
ピンク = pinku: pink
傘 = kasa: umbrella
きれい = kirei: beautiful
梅雨 = tsuyu: rainy season

1300 years
Eric and I went to Nara for a day trip. This year is the 1300th anniversary of Heijo-kyo, Nara Capital, being moved from Fujiwara-kyo. The Imperial Audience Hall, which was reconstructed on the site, and the museum where ancient life was recreated were both very interesting. We walked to Toshodaiji and Yakushiji, two other world heritage sites in the area. The buildings of that time have been restored and were impressive in a different way from the reconstruction.
Picture: East Pagoda of Yakushiji has been standing here for 1300 years, through fires, wars and natural disasters of all kinds.
千 = sen: a thousand
生活 = seikatsu: daily life
歩く = aruku: to walk
古い = furui: old, ancient
日本の食材1 麩

Japanese food 1 – Fu
When I visited my parents the other week, I found Fu pretty tasty after a long absence, and used it in broth myself. If I have to describe it in the American-European food vocabulary, its soft and spongy texture may be similar to sliced baguettes in French onion soup. It is made of flour and gluten, and contains vegetable protein which is easy to digest.
食材 = shokuzai: food ingredient
スープ = su-pu: soup
小麦粉 = komugiko: flour
たんぱく質 = tanpakushitsu: protein

Be prepared and have no regrets
I had a sales agent from a life insurance company to explain their policies. In addition to the fact that my mother had a surgery and stayed in a hospital last year, and I am turning 40 this year, insurance companies are competing on TV commercials and they made me think of having an insurance policy. There is a lot to consider; the benefit of nonrefundable insurance, the difference between having insurance and saving money at banks and so on.
生命保険 = seimei-hoken: life insurance; not necessarily providing cash to family after somebody’s death, insurance companies offer cash support plans in cases of illness and injury, which are nonrefundable
母 = haha: mother
銀行 = ginko: bank (s)
違い = chigai: difference

We have been planning for our summer vacation. This year, we are finally going to South Korea where we always wanted to go. Although I have some concern for the strained relationship between South and North Korea, now is the time to make a reservation. Eric, who has been studying Korean in Japan, is more excited for the plan than I am. (I wish he would study more Japanese!)
夏休み = natsuyasumi: summer vacation
計画 = keikaku: plan (s)
韓国 = kankoku: South Korea
もっと = motto: more

新幹線:神戸市内-新大阪-三河安城 ¥7650(指定なし片道)
It became less busy at work for a few weeks and I visited my parents on the weekend. I also needed to pick up some summer clothes, which were among many items still at my parents’ house. It was almost impossible to see friends during this short stay, but I came back to Kobe with my suitcase and heart filled.
Bullet train:Kobe-Shin-Osaka-Mikawa-Anjo About $84.00 (General seating/one way)
一人 = hitori: one person
短い = mijkai: short
ほとんど = hotondo: almost
新幹線 = shinkansen: bullet train

No need for tipping
There is a restaurant in Osaka called Outback, to which we used to go sometimes in Buffalo. When we had dinner there the other day, the menu and the taste were the same and they even had foreign staff (not necessarily American, though) and they reminded us of life in the states. We were saying “No need for tipping in Japan,” but they took this “service fee” automatically, which I realized after seeing the receipt. Oh, well.
Picture: An appetizer, “Bloomin’ Onion” is a deep fried whole onion.
ある = aru: to be, to exist
外国人 = gaikokujin: foreigner (s)
同じ = onaji: same
払う = harau: to pay

最低気温17℃ 最高気温25℃
Good purchase
I bought a dehumidifier online. It rained yesterday and today, and I tried it out for the first time. Great! The air feels like a breeze and the laundry dried in the washitsu – a Japanese room. I made a good purchase before the rainy season.
*Today’s weather
Cloudy with occasional rain
Hi77F Lo62F
良い = yoi: good
買う = kau: to buy
すごい = sugoi: great
和室 = washitsu: Japanese room (s)

Studying daily
It has been a few months since I started business translation. It could be harder to work part time than to work full time, when you need to complete a certain amount of the job. In cases of translating documents of a specialized field, it takes a lot of time to read books and to search for information on line for preparation. Studying on a daily basis and gaining knowledge are essential.
日々 = hibi: on daily a basis
勉強する = benkyo-suru: to study
本 = hon: book (s)
読む = yomu: to read
九州旅行2 グルメ

Kyushu Trip 2 –Gourmet
We enjoyed Tonkotsu-ramen in Fukuoka, Ekiben on bus, Chanpon in Nagasaki, and the most delicious meal was paella which my friend made for us in Saga. The time we spent together, with three kids who grew much bigger in a few years, is a very good memory.
豚骨ラーメン = Tonkotsu-ramen; noodle in pork bone broth
駅弁 = Ekiben; boxed meal sold at stations
チャンポン = Chanpon; noodle in soup topped with vegetables
美味しい = oishii; delicious
九州旅行1 観光

Kyushu Trip 1 –Sightseeing
We traveled around north Kyushu for 4 nights/ 5 days. There are a lot of remaining pieces of history, especially in Nagasaki, from the late 1500s. Nishizaka Hill was the site of the Martyrdom of the 26 Saints of Japan. Deshima was the artificial island where commerce was exclusively allowed in the time of national isolation. Above all, what we should not forget is the history of the atomic bomb, which was released on Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945. We walked in summer-like sunshine, which darkened our skin so easily.
特に = tokuni; especially
歴史 = rekishi; history
忘れる = wasureru; to forget
夏 = natsu; summer

Golden Week has started. We are going to travel in Kyushu from this weekend. We will visit Fukuoka, Nagasaki, then see my friend and her family in Saga. She and I met in England, where we did volunteer activities together. I am very excited for the plan.
Picture: The garden at Hakutsuru Fine Art Museum in Higashinada, Kobe. The green was bright and the carp were bubbly.
ゴールデンウィーク = Golden Week: a concentration of national holidays in Japan, from late April to early May
始まる = hajimaru: to start
最後に = saigo-ni: for last
予定 = yotei: plan

For Eric’s wish, we traveled to Iceland in June, 2007. We still needed jackets in early summer and it was cloudy through our three day stay. They have poor natural resources other than fish and geothermal energy, and I remember that groceries and things were very expensive. The scenery which we saw three years ago must have changed dramatically by the eruption of volcano this time.
Picture: Watching geysers was the highlight of the tour.
希望 = kibou: wish
食料品 = shokuryouhin: groceries
火山 = kazan: volcano
見る = miru: to see

Eric and I had dinner with a taxi driver and his wife yesterday. We had some business with him last year when we needed a ride from Okamoto to Itami Airport. He remembered Eric well, since he does not have American customers very often. Being a taxi driver, he knows many good restaurants. The four of us filled our stomachs with barbequed beef.
Picture: Peach blossoms, some pink among white on one branch. Taken a couple of weeks ago.
食事 = shokuji: dining
アメリカ人 = amerika-jin: American person (s)
焼肉 = yakiniku: do-it-yourself-barbeque
お腹いっぱい = onaka-ippai: stomach is filled

Close encounter
Eric and I started walking after dinner to keep fit. Our habit would not last if we pushed too hard, so we set it for three times a week to start with. We encountered boars last week. It was a little frightening since boars were larger than large dogs. A neighbor told us, “They are fine unless you approach them.” They come to look for garbage nightly from the mountains.
危険 = kiken: danger
とりあえず = toriaezu: to start with, for now
大きい = ookii: large, big
怖い = kowai: frightening

To a café
I made a friend at work. We live close to each other, share a day off during the week, and agreed to spend an afternoon together. Still being a Kobe beginner, we went to a shrine, to a café, and to a shopping mall as she led. It was a very satisfying afternoon, with a lot of knowledge that she provided.
Picture: There is a world-known port in Kobe. People have been adopting foreign culture well in life. Of course, you cannot miss these cakes.
~へ = …e: to…
休み = yasumi: day(s) off or vacation(s)
一緒に = issho-ni: together
彼女 = kanojo: she
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