






"My picks of the year"

I picked up my most meaningful events and items of this past year.

Traveling: Helsingborg (Sweden)
Eric and I were very happy to meet Eric's distant relatives. We enjoyed popular travel destinations such as Copenhagen and Stockholm as well, of course,  but Helsingborg is special and it warms our hearts when we think of the place.

Shopping: Fissler's pressure cooker (3.5l size- paid 34,120 yen for the 52,500 yen retail value)

I decided on a big shopping item after I gave my 2-year-old pressure cooker to my mother. The new cooker controls pressure in 3 levels and has made my stew cooking much more enjoyable. I have been trying new recipes from the cooking book which came with the cooker.

Working: From dependent to independent
Working as a dependent of your spouse limits your income, but it secures your life as an employee with fewer working hours and maybe less burden from your job, too. I became independent this year and it had more impact on my life than I predicted.

Other than the above, I thought a lot about relationships with different people in this past year. I noticed new aspects of people who I had known for a while and I met many new people who I could share feelings and ideas with. Everyone inspired me no matter how much time we spent together. Thank you very much!




写真:三宮で見かけたTOY PROJECTの展示。一点ずつ全て手作りの動物たちです。 

I learned this through an NHK program the other week. Fragments and rubble of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami are reaching the American West Coast, including Alaska and Oregon, this winter after almost 2 years. Each piece, which meant something to people, was taken away by the sea of 3.11 and now they are unwelcome as garbage- how sad this situation is! I wish I could swim across the ocean and pick up those pieces.

Picture: I saw a display of TOY PROJECT in downtown Kobe. Every stuffed animal is handmade.




Bad vibes
I could not go to work for 3 days. I had gastrointestinal problems with fever and could not take any food or drink other than Pocari Sweat on the first day. I started to recover without seeing a doctor or any medication and resumed my meals with rice porridge after my fever went down. Looking back, I was not feeling well for the entire month. It is close to the end of the year and I want to get fully recovered so as not to carry these bad vibes over to the New Year.

Pocari Sweat: Funny name? This is a Japanese sports-drink with electrolyte supplements. It is suggested to drink it after sweating or just for recharging some liquids when needed.


日本の食材15 ごぼう

Japanese food 15 –Burdock root
Gobo, or burdock root, is a root vegetable which comes in season in the winter and summer. There is a story that a foreigner mistook it as “a tree root” because of its appearance and texture, although the story is unverified. It is tasty when sautéed, stewed or boiled for a salad and it is very nutritious, too. It has rich dietary fiber for intestinal healing effects, polyphenol for antioxidant effects as well as multiple vitamins and minerals. I like it crunchy, but it can be pretty soft when prepared in a pressure cooker.




I had a problem in my right wrist. The pain was so severe and I could not hold chopsticks or a pen for a few days. I had some x-rays at an orthopedist's and was diagnosed with “Calcinosis.” Some calcium had leaked from my bones and calcified where regular bones do not exist and this was causing inflammation. Now the symptoms are calmed down and a funny thing is that the word “pain” could not come out of my mouth when I was suffering. Maybe I was keeping the word out of my mind to ignore the feeling?




My recent favorite British singer, Adele, won a Grammy award the other day. She sings the soundtrack of the newest 007 movie. Her voice is so sexy- husky and moanful, yet it has strength in its core. I think her songs sound well, especially in the colder seasons. I have my picks on my iPod, of course, and will be listening to them often this winter.




I must have picked-up some cold on a Shinkansen train on the way to Okayama the other day. I have been having ginger tea and been keeping a scarf around my throat even indoors, which seems to be working not to make this cold any worse. It will be December tomorrow and I took some winter blankets out this evening to be prepared for a colder season. Please take care of yourselves, too.





22,000 steps
We went to Okayama for the first time today. We enjoyed autumn leaves at the Korakuen garden, Okayama castle next door, the local cuisine of Barazushi and the historic district of Kurashiki.  I completed my satisfaction with some impressionist pieces at Ohara Museum of Art at the end. Because we did a lot of walking, I should be able to sleep tight tonight.

By the way; my cell phone has a pedometer function and it counted 22,000 steps today. It feels I walked much more…





Having a guest
We had a guest at our place after a long absence. He was here to visit Eric’s university from the States. I thought that he should have had enough of restaurant food by now and decided to serve Mizutaki, which is pretty informal home cooking. We all enjoyed the food as well as interesting conversations about the cultural comparisons between Americans and Japanese, unusual food around the world, etc. over the pot.

Mizutaki: a Japanese-style fondue. Vegetables, tofu, and chicken and/or fish are cooked with broth in a pot on the table top and people help themselves as the ingredients get cooked.

From the left in the picture: Plum liqueur, distilled spirit and local sake of Kobe. We served distilled spirit with ginger-flavour this time.