


I must have picked-up some cold on a Shinkansen train on the way to Okayama the other day. I have been having ginger tea and been keeping a scarf around my throat even indoors, which seems to be working not to make this cold any worse. It will be December tomorrow and I took some winter blankets out this evening to be prepared for a colder season. Please take care of yourselves, too.





22,000 steps
We went to Okayama for the first time today. We enjoyed autumn leaves at the Korakuen garden, Okayama castle next door, the local cuisine of Barazushi and the historic district of Kurashiki.  I completed my satisfaction with some impressionist pieces at Ohara Museum of Art at the end. Because we did a lot of walking, I should be able to sleep tight tonight.

By the way; my cell phone has a pedometer function and it counted 22,000 steps today. It feels I walked much more…





Having a guest
We had a guest at our place after a long absence. He was here to visit Eric’s university from the States. I thought that he should have had enough of restaurant food by now and decided to serve Mizutaki, which is pretty informal home cooking. We all enjoyed the food as well as interesting conversations about the cultural comparisons between Americans and Japanese, unusual food around the world, etc. over the pot.

Mizutaki: a Japanese-style fondue. Vegetables, tofu, and chicken and/or fish are cooked with broth in a pot on the table top and people help themselves as the ingredients get cooked.

From the left in the picture: Plum liqueur, distilled spirit and local sake of Kobe. We served distilled spirit with ginger-flavour this time.




Natural Medicine
I borrowed Dr. Andrew Weil’s “Natural Medicine” from the library. In this book, which was written over 20 years ago, there is a lot of knowledge about Preventive Medicine. When I come to its part about caffeine intake, for example, it makes me think “we should stop drinking coffee tomorrow.”  I have not even finished half of the book, but I am already leaning toward health-consciousness.




Sigh of relief
The big news from yesterday was that President Obama was selected for the second term in the States. After releasing a sigh of relief, Eric is now heading to Taiwan to attend a conference of English education. I had a positive impression of the country when we visited there a couple of years ago. People were pro-Japanese and their food was good. I would like to visit more countries in the neighborhood when I have chances.