


When we went on the Udon tour the other day, we drove through Awaji Island from Kobe. This is the season of spring tides. At the Naruto Channel, we walked under the bridge and then had a little boat tour to take a close look at the whirlpools. They looked like tornados in the sea.




生じょうゆうどん(小) 450円
天ぷら盛り合わせ(小) 600円

Udon tour
We rented a car with friends and went to Kagawa for a day to eat Udon. The translucent and sticky noodles were tasteful themselves. I did not buy any noodles to make at home since I am not confident to cook them as well as what I ate in Kagawa. Soba noodles and Ramen noodles are all good, but my favorite is always Udon.

Udon with fresh soy sauce (small) 450yen = $5.42 approx.
Assorted Tempura (small) 600 yen = $7.22 approx.




Hay fever
Spring is a gloomy season for me. Living in a green area is not always good. My hay fever for the year started a couple of weeks ago. I wear a mask and goggles when I go outside and I know I look like a bank-robber on a bike.




写真:ドバイのチョコレートはPatchiとAl nassmaが有名です。ラクダ型のものには、ラクダのミルクが使われているそうです。どんな味かな?

From Dubai
Eric came home from Dubai after a week. He attended a conference of English education and then enjoyed a little bit of sightseeing as well. He got me plenty of the items which I had requested since I could not go with him this time.

Picture: Patchi and Al nassma are the well-known chocolate brands of Dubai. The camel-shaped one has camel milk as an ingredient and I wonder how it tastes?






That day
One year will have passed shortly since the day of the disaster. In shock to sorrow, sorrow to melancholy… my state of mind had been vulnerable for months while I was far away from the affected area.

To be prepared for the first anniversary, NHK and other TV stations have been broadcasting interviews of the survivors. Everybody carries a different story. I was deeply touched when I heard about a woman who rescued her granddaughter; she was shouting “Banzai, banzai! (Hurray, long live!)” as she was being drowned by the Tsunami.

I am always thinking of what I can do, in the same way as many people are, and I am trying to turn it into action.




Japanese drums
I like heart-echoing drum sounds. I found a concert held by a Japanese drum school when I was looking for some drum events; Eric and I went to see it last Sunday. Not everybody was a great drummer, but the students were all playing with their hearts and souls and the powerful sounds were so inspiring.