

ホームセンターに行ったときのこと。何かを探していてペットコーナーに迷い込み、パピヨンの子犬と目が合いました。全然興味なかったのに、ひと目で好きになってしまいました! 今は動物を飼える住環境ではないため、衝動買いには至りませんでしたが、いつか犬と暮らしたいです。(今ではペットをレンタルできるサービスがあるそうです。命あるものを借りるなんて抵抗あるけれど、一体どんな感じなのでしょうか?) 

Love at First Sight 
It happened when I went to a DIY store. As I was looking for something, I wandered into a pet section and a puppy papillon looked at me. I fell in love with her at first sight without even being interested in papillons at all!  An impulsive shopping of the puppy was barely avoided for the fact that our current apartment is not pet-friendly, but the encounter was enough to set my desire of living with a dog for the future.  (I heard that there is a pet-rental service available these days. It does not ring my bell and I wonder what it is like to borrow some living beings?)



1月に宝塚で味わった感動を忘れられず、前回と同じ女友達と『ベルばら』の別編を観に行きました。チケットは入手困難で、発売初日の開始時間からインターネット予約を試みたのに、2時間かけて取れたのは週末のSS席でもS席でもなく、平日のA席でした。それでも行って良かった! レビューでは新人たちの可愛いラインダンスもあり、ひと味違う感動を味わいました。 

The sensation I felt at Takarazuka in January was so unforgettable and I went to see a different version of “The Rose of Versailles” with the same girlfriend as last time. It was not easy to get these tickets, though. I spent over 2 hours on my computer when the theatre started to sell tickets online, but all I got were 2 back-row seats on a weekday instead of orchestra or front seats on a weekend. It was still worth seeing! New girls performed some line-dances at the revue and they were very cute and impressive in their own way.





Impulsive Shopping
It was not my plan, but I could not help buying a box of shiny cherry tomatoes when I saw them on sale at a supermarket. Since there were too many to finish while fresh, I decided to make some compote.

*Cherry tomato compote
Ingredients: 40-50 pieces cherry tomatoes, 6tbs sugar, 2tbs lemon juice, 3 cups water (there are other recopies to use white wine, honey and so on.)
How: Peel cherry tomatoes by pouring boiling water after poking a few spots. Mix sugar, lemon juice and water in a pot and bring to boiling. Remove the pot from heat and place tomatoes in the mixture. Cool in the fridge at least one night before serving.



近所の交差点の一角に、小さなばら園があります。ちょうど見頃ではないかと思い、今日は図書館までの道を遠回りして行きました。思った通り、咲いていました! 街を歩く人たちは歩を緩め、信号待ちのドライバーたちも車窓から、ばらのある風景を楽しんでいるようでした。 

Rose Garden
There is a little rose garden at an intersection in our neighborhood. I thought this might be a good time and took a detour on my way to the library this afternoon. I was right and the roses were in bloom! Pedestrians were slowing down and drivers were looking out of their car windows to enjoy the view with roses.




今日の天気:雨のち曇り 最低気温17℃ 最高気温19 ℃ 

A Petite Garden
I seeded green perilla and basil in pots for our summer dining. The temperature has not been rising since last month and these tiny sprouts are growing slowly on our tiny balcony. 

Today’s weather: Rainy to cloudy, Hi 66F and Lo 63F




The Golden Week 
Today was the last day of this year’s Golden Week. It was not quite a continuous one-week vacation and I had to work in the latter half of the week. Although I did not go anywhere special myself, I still had a fulfilling week by seeing people who I cannot see often and taking longer time for cooking and so on.