


The Wind Rises 
I saw the latest movie by Hayao Miyazaki last weekend. It is a story of a young man’s dream and love, who lived through 1920-30s in Japan. His profession as an aircraft designer was described carefully, but the development of love between he and his wife was not so well described to my eyes. Also, I do not agree with the characterization of the wife as “a star-crossed young woman” on the official website of the movie… because I think she was very happy in her short life which was fulfilled with true love.



先日、我が家に招いたカナダ人の母娘から聞いた日本での困難が 「漢字」でした。日本での在住期間が延べ9年ほどになるお二人は、日本語がとても上手。でも、公立の小学校に通う娘さんは、テスト問題の漢字が分か らず良い点を取れないそうです。また、お母さんも学校からの連絡事項を理解できなくて困る、という話をお聞きしました。 

シンプルな形で音だけを表わすアルファベットと違い、複雑な形で音と意味を表わす漢字は、それぞれの文字が単語のような役割をします。日本では常用漢字だけでも2,136 字が使われており、これを50ある平仮名や50あるカタカナと混ぜて使うのですから、外国人にとってどれほど難しいことでしょうか。 



Difficulty of Kanji 

This is what I heard from the Canadian mother and daughter whom I invited the other day. They have lived in Japan for 9 years in total and speak very good Japanese, but they have difficulty in reading and writing of Kanji (Chinese characters). The daughter goes to a regular public elementary school and she cannot earn good scores on exams because of Kanji in questionnaires. The mother cannot understand notices from school, either. 

Unlike alphabets which indicate pronunciations in simple shapes, each Kanji works like a word with meanings and pronunciations in complicated shapes. We have 2,136 Kanji on the national list of common use, and we use them mixed with 50 Hiragana and 50 Katakana. I can only imagine how difficult this writing system is for foreign people. 

To be honest, however, I am not quite confident in writing Kanji correctly since I am spoiled with the Kanji conversion system on computers. Maybe I should use a pen to write a letter with my own hands from time to time to brush-up on my Kanji knowledge. 

Picture:  a signage at a park in Taiwan. Kanji is currently used in Japan, China and Taiwan.




Waffle Party 
I invited a pair of Japanese and a pair of Canadian mothers and daughters for a little gathering at home. The 6th-grade girls enjoyed making waffles and the adults enjoyed chatting as well as eating waffles of course. We also used this occasion of Japanese-English communication to improve our languages. It was great for me to have such a gathering for a change especially after recent days of hard work.




I do not know what it is, but I sometimes make silly mistakes after finishing a challenging assignment. Maybe I release myself a bit too far and go overboard or maybe I get too tired to make the right judgement. After I worked an unexpected assignment of being an assistant translator yesterday, I ended up giving some extra work to a doctor who was a lot more tired than I was. He forgave me so easily when I apologized to him the first thing this morning, but I am old enough not to make such mistakes.


日本の食材18 にがうり


Japanese Food 18 –Bitter Gourd 
I have known bitter gourds only for a few years since I started to cook them in Kobe, but they are already on the list of my favorite summer vegetables. They are also called Goya and are originally from tropical Asia. Their efficacies include anti-virus, cholesterol reduction, diabetic improvement and so on. The characteristic bitter flavor could be tasty when stir-fried with some tofu and eggs in an Okinawan way.




My brother called me last night after a very long silence. I had known through my mother  that he was moving to Thailand, but he is actually moving earlier next week. He is not taking his family again this time. “Please take very good care of yourself.” My lips were saying this to him, and I was dreaming of visiting him in Bangkok and being treated with Tom Yam Kung and fresh spring rolls in my mind.