


To be prepared for summer vacation, I went to renew my passport before it expired. Australia, China (Hong Kong), USA, Canada, England and Iceland were the countries which I visited since 2000. Looking at my portrait on the new passport, I wondered what adventures I will experience in the next ten years.

国 = kuni: country (s)
イギリス = igirisu: England
新しい = atarashii: new
顔 = kao: face (s)



最低気温22℃ 最高気温25℃

Living without a car, I choose to walk on rainy days instead of biking because it could be dangerous. I try to cheer myself up with a pink umbrella. I did not care for hydrangeas before, but I started to realize their beauty recently. They add some colors to the streets during this rainy season.
*Today’s weather
Rainy all day
Hi77F Lo72F

ピンク = pinku: pink
傘 = kasa: umbrella
きれい = kirei: beautiful
梅雨 = tsuyu: rainy season





1300 years
Eric and I went to Nara for a day trip. This year is the 1300th anniversary of Heijo-kyo, Nara Capital, being moved from Fujiwara-kyo. The Imperial Audience Hall, which was reconstructed on the site, and the museum where ancient life was recreated were both very interesting. We walked to Toshodaiji and Yakushiji, two other world heritage sites in the area. The buildings of that time have been restored and were impressive in a different way from the reconstruction.

Picture: East Pagoda of Yakushiji has been standing here for 1300 years, through fires, wars and natural disasters of all kinds.

千 = sen: a thousand
生活 = seikatsu: daily life
歩く = aruku: to walk
古い = furui: old, ancient


日本の食材1 麩


Japanese food 1 – Fu
When I visited my parents the other week, I found Fu pretty tasty after a long absence, and used it in broth myself. If I have to describe it in the American-European food vocabulary, its soft and spongy texture may be similar to sliced baguettes in French onion soup. It is made of flour and gluten, and contains vegetable protein which is easy to digest.

食材 = shokuzai: food ingredient
スープ = su-pu: soup
小麦粉 = komugiko: flour
たんぱく質 = tanpakushitsu: protein




Be prepared and have no regrets
I had a sales agent from a life insurance company to explain their policies. In addition to the fact that my mother had a surgery and stayed in a hospital last year, and I am turning 40 this year, insurance companies are competing on TV commercials and they made me think of having an insurance policy. There is a lot to consider; the benefit of nonrefundable insurance, the difference between having insurance and saving money at banks and so on.

生命保険 = seimei-hoken: life insurance; not necessarily providing cash to family after somebody’s death, insurance companies offer cash support plans in cases of illness and injury, which are nonrefundable
母 = haha: mother
銀行 = ginko: bank (s)
違い = chigai: difference




We have been planning for our summer vacation. This year, we are finally going to South Korea where we always wanted to go. Although I have some concern for the strained relationship between South and North Korea, now is the time to make a reservation. Eric, who has been studying Korean in Japan, is more excited for the plan than I am. (I wish he would study more Japanese!)

夏休み = natsuyasumi: summer vacation
計画 = keikaku: plan (s)
韓国 = kankoku: South Korea
もっと = motto: more