
カンボジア記2 未来形


*2日続けて訪れた食堂にて:「昨日も来たでしょ? ここに座っていたよね?」「とってもお利口さんね!」彼女の笑顔に負けて、絵葉書セットを購入しました。(写真の少女。絵葉書は10枚で1米ドルでした。)

Cambodian Report 2 –Future Form

Angkor Wat, of course, is a special place. The ancient Hindu temple looked so mystical with its silhouette outlined by the rising sun. I hope that they will preserve these world heritage sites for the future.  What left a stronger impression in my memory, however, were the spirited smiles of the children there. They will develop Cambodia into a better country. 

-Conversations with girls
*At a diner where we visited twice in a row: “You came here yesterday! You sat at this table!” “You are so smart!” I could not resist her smile and purchased a set of postcards from her. (It is the girl in the lower picture. The set of 10 postcards was $1US.)
*At one of the ruins: “I am 16. How old are you?” “Well, I am 42.” I almost forgot my age, but answered honestly.