





I noticed that President Obama gained more gray. It must be beyond my imagination how stressful it is to change the healthcare system of the big country. 

One of the largest difficulties I experienced while I was living in the States was their healthcare system. Since the enrollment of health insurance is voluntary in the country, it is generally up to each individual to choose whatever insurance company to sign up with. It could be an employee’s benefit from his/her work if employed, or a student may enroll in one through his/her school if studying. However, such insurance still does not cover much and it does not apply at every medical care provider. For this reason, I did not see a doctor on some occasions when feeling unwell during my residency in the country. 

I feel safer in Japan where everybody is provided with health insurance with very little discrimination. I support the idea of “Obamacare” which is the universal healthcare system to cover almost all American citizens. I am sure that everybody would appreciate the system once it is spread… I guess people have different opinions in the country to respect individual liberty.